Chapter 94.

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Elijah's POV.

I woke up with a hangover. I should learn to stop drinking a lot especially when I have work the next day. 

I got up and took a cold shower. I am never drinking again. 

I got dressed and went downstairs to get water. 

"You are here." Annette said and I looked at her arm. Please, God, tell me last night didn't happen.

"Your arm, what happened?" I asked.

"Adrian and I got into an argument when they came to drop you so I hurt myself." 

"So that happened last night or this morning?" I asked and she looked at me weirdly. 

"It happened last night after Oliver took you to your room." 

"Thank God." I am glad everything I thought happened didn't happen and it was just a bad dream but I don't trust her. I will have to ask Adrian what really happened to her arm.

"Why are you so happy to see me hurt?" She asked.

"You deserve it. In fact, you deserve more than that." I replied. "Anyway, the kids can't stay with my parents forever so from now onwards we should limit going out." 

I left my house and went to the office. My dad was already sitting in my chair. He looked at me and I smiled, closing the door behind me. Knowing my dad, he either came here to lecture me or something happened between him and Mom. 

"Hello, Dad." I said and he just looked at me. "I am sorry, I am late." I quickly added and he smiled.

"That's fine." He replied and I smiled, confused. 

"Wait what? You not going to lecture me and say things like I will run this company to the ground." I asked, looking at him confused.

"No." He said. "Life is too short and plus I told you a billion times not to be late for work." Why does it feel like my father gave up on me? Why would he just say he already told me a billion times not to be late for work instead of telling me a billion more times to not be late?

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything is fine. How was last night?" He asked.

"It was amazing just that I remember some weird things that I want to forget." 

"What things?" He asked.

"Well, I could've sworn that Annette and I had a talk last night and she said she's leaving me and the kids. Cause some people want to kill her and she also said she always loved me and I am her tempting mistake." I smiled. "I know it's weird. Imagine dad, Annette dying because someone put a hit on her." I laughed and he just stared at me. "She has two hits and guess who one of them is from?" I always say guess and then give an answer before the other person says anything but before I could tell him who she said he looked at me with teary eyes.

"Me?" He said. "She said I put a hit on her?" He asked and I smiled looking at him.

"Yeah. Can you believe it." I shook my head. "I should stop drinking. Next thing I end up having a conversation with the devil talking about how he owns heaven." I laughed.

"It's true." My dad said.

"What's true?" I asked.

"I am really sorry Eli." He apologized and I shook my head. "It's really true. There's a hit on Annette." 

"No no no. Dad, I know you spend a lot of time with Uncle Jay and he jokes about everything but your jokes are worse than his. Yes, I know I always say I hate Annette but no one, can say they put a hit on her as a joke. That's crossing the line." 

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