Chapter 84.

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Elijah's POV.

Dad keeps talking about her as if she is his daughter.

"Elijah are you listening to me?" My dad asked.

"Yes dad, go one. Keep praising your daughter." I said.

"Elijah, sit down!" He said so I took a seat. "Annette is not my daughter and you know I am always on your side." 


"Elijah don't you think you are punishing Annette for something she didn't do. Why do you keep hurting her?"

"Bravo Mr. B Carson." I got up. "You won the father of the year." I gave him his coffee mug.

"Elijah!" He snapped so I sat down. "Kid, I know you are angry but you shouldn't punish her for what happened. Learn from her mistakes, don't do what she did to you."

"Dad, I can never do what she did to me." I said. "She didn't just break my heart she broke my children's hearts. I had to tell my kids their mother is in heaven while she was busy hiding somewhere."

"I know Kid. I know how you feel."

"You don't know how I feel dad. Everyone just thinks it's easy and I am being dramatic for hating her but they don't know what she put me through. No one knows what I went through but now, now everyone is on her side."

"No one is on her side Elijah." My dad said. "And I will never be on her side, you know you are my son and I am always on your side but think about it. What would you have done if you had the same choices as her?"

"I would've at least told her the truth." I am not even lying now. I would've never broken her heart and faked my death. 

"Sometimes telling the truth is hard." Dad said. "You know I always want what's best for you."

"Yes dad, I know. But I don't want to see her or talk to her."

"Life is too short, don't waste time fighting with her. It will never get you anywhere my boy."

"But I hate her."

"You don't hate her, you hate what she put you through. You hate being hurt and mourning for someone who was alive. You hate remembering what you went through during her 'death'."

"Dad I really hate her, not just what she put me through."

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself," He smirked. "Because you doing a bad job at both."

"I don't need to convince myself over the truth." I can't believe he thinks I don't hate the one who made me go through hell.

"If you hate her then at least don't force the kids to hate her." He said. "Ryk and Red are just a year old babies, they don't know where their mother has been and why she was never around but I don't think they don't want to see her now. I think if the babies were a bit older they would request to see their mother so please allow her to see them. For the children's sake, for my sake, and for everyone else's sake."

"Dad you don---."

"Don't say anything, Elijah. I don't want to argue with you. Just please do the right thing and don't regret your decision." He smiled. "You are my son, and I will always support you whatever you decide."


"What is fine?."He asked. I can't believe I am agreeing to this nonsense.

"I will allow her to see the kids." I told him so he walked to me and hugged me. 

"You always make the right decisions."

"But there's a deal." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I should've known there was a catch since you are a Carson." 

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