Chapter 80.

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Third Person's POV.

"Benjamin, did you see her?" Sofia asked for the hundredth time and Benjamin nodded his head annoyed. "Benjamin, she's alive?"

"I know Sofia, I have eyes too." He replied, irritated. He didn't think through when he asked Annette to save Elijah. He can't stop thinking about the possibility of Elijah knowing he found out about Annette's fake death before everyone else.

"Benjamin, the night Annette died, I saw her dead." Sofia shook her head. "I don't believe she is Annette."

"Sofia, it is understandable that you are confused about how she can be alive but you shouldn't forget Annette's a Kingston and they are capable of deceiving everyone." Benjamin said. 

"So you saying they planned all this and lied to us." Sofia said and Benjamin nod. "So all this time they knew Annette was alive but we didn't. I have to call Anna."

"Why?" Benjamin asked.

"I have to tell her everything. She is her mother she needs to know the truth." Sofia said and Benjamin stopped her from calling her. 

"Let her find out for herself." He smiled, trying his best not to tell Sofia, Anna is also behind it and she knows Annette is alive.

"Benjamin I have to tell Anna because she's her mother and she will be devastated if she finds out I knew Annette is alive and I didn't tell her." Benjamin felt guilty over the fact Sofia never hides anything from anyone while he couldn't even tell his son about the truth.

"Sofia, you don't---." The baby started crying so Sofia decided to check on Seth. "I can't believe I am the course of all this." Benjamin called Kai. "Hey, kid." He said. "I need a favor." 

"Is it about Annette?" Kai asked while leaving his house with Oliver.

"Everyone knows she's alive?" Benjamin asked.

"Yes, but you will laugh if I tell you how." Kai and Oliver got in the car.

"Is it on social media?" Benjamin guessed.

"Yep." Kai replied. "It was tweeted by Elijah and Adrian."

"What?" Benjamin shook his head. "Elijah would never let the world know."

"I swear I am not lying." Kai said. "Oliver is with me, you can ask him." Benjamin disconnected the call. "Your father is rude, he hang up!" Kai told Oliver who was driving. "Do you think Annette is really back?"

"I just want to see my brother, I don't care about anything else ." Oliver said as they arrived at his parent's house.

They got out of the car and the place was full of reporters. They all ran to Oliver and Kai asking them about Annette. Kai and Oliver refused to answer any questions and when Benjamin noticed them outside, he asked his security guys to let Kai and Oliver in. 

"What are you both doing here?" Benjamin asked, furious. 

"We came to see Elijah." Oliver replied before running upstairs.

"Kai, why don't you ever use your brains and stay at home when you know journalists will be following us everywhere." Benjamin said and before Kai could reply, Oliver came running down.

"Elijah is not upstairs." 

"Ollie, Elijah is still with Adrian at his own house. Adrian said they would be here first thing in the morning but they haven't arrived yet." Benjamin told them so Oliver started calling Adrian. 

Adrian and Elijah arrived at Benjamin's house. Adrian fixed his hair and put shades on so the media doesn't find out Elijah beat him up. Elijah on the other hand just got out of the car, despite his face being bruised. 

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