Chapter 74.

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Elijah's POV.

I got the kids ready for the family reunion. I miss seeing everyone together. I hope I don't bump into Aunt Anna.

"Give daddy a kiss." I told Ryker and he kissed me. "Good boy." I kissed him back.

"Red, don't ruin that dress." I stopped her from running around. "You can run around all day when we go to the party now give me a kiss." She kissed me. "My little princess." I kissed her back. 

I took both of them to the car. I can't wait to enjoy this day with my family and friends. 

We arrived at the venue and it was super beautiful. Kai is not bad at this but I think he forgot this was supposed to be a family function and not a wedding.

"Welcome, Mr Carson." They said and I smiled. 

"What's up Oliver." I greeted my brother.

"I am glad you didn't come here late." He took Red from me. "Let's sit next to each other please, I don't want any of our Aunties close to me." 

"Me too." I was about to sit when Kai interrupted us.

"Read the name on every chair, Elijah, you can't just sit anywhere." 

"Oh." I looked at the chair I was about to sit in. "What's the difference if I sit in Scarlett's spot, she won't know this was supposed to be her seat." 

"You are disrespectful." Kai said so I sat down. 

"Wait a minute, why the fuck is your name in between my parents?" I got up and swiped his name with my dad. "I think this name thing is so wrong! Let everyone choose their own seat." I took every name tag off and Oliver was just watching Kai and I fight over the name tags.

Everyone arrived and took their seats.

"I must say, Kai didn't do a bad job at organizing this." Uncle Jay said and I high-fived him. I always knew he was on my side. "If I did it, it would've been amazing." I forgot how arrogant he is sometimes. "By the way Sofia and Benjamin, why did you bring Seth with you? I mean, we all don't need to know you still do it." Everyone laughed and my mother rolled her eyes.

"Jay, there are kids." Aunt said and he looked at me. Please God don't let him say something stupid about me.

"Last time someone said they are kids, Elijah didn't have children." Jay replied. "By the way, why is everyone just eating, why aren't there any conversations? What happened to talk while eating?"

"Maybe if you gave anyone a chance, they would talk." Uncle Carlos said. 

"Okay, let's play truths." Jay suggested. "That way everyone talks."

"I will start." Grandpa Xavier said. "Do I just randomly ask a question to anyone?"

"Yes but the person you ask, can't ask you a question back and no repeating questions." Jay said.

"Okay." Grandpa looked at my mom. "Is Benjamin still keeping you happy, Sofia?" 

"Father-in-law." Mom giggled. "That's a hard question but I will go with 'yes' since I love him a lot and he does everything to keep me happy." She patted his cheek. 

"I love you too." My father said, making mom smile. "Are we going in order?" 

"Random is also fine." Jay said. "So let me ask my question."

"Bro, you legit didn't keep your mouth shut for a minute." Carlos said. "But ask your question."

"My question is for you." Jay said. "Why are you bad at everything?"

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