Chapter 39.

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Annette's POV.

I walked in on Elijah helping Kathleen with her zip. I knew this cheap girl would make a move on him. The bet was just a cover-up. She always wanted Elijah for herself. She is fucking lucky I am sober because if I was drunk and I had my gun, I would shoot her.

"Ahem." I coughed interrupting them. "Is everything okay?" I smiled and they both nod their heads.

"You can leave Kathleen." Elijah said and she picked her file up.

"Enjoy." She whispered passing me.

"Stop calling Kathleen by her first name. She works for you Elijah, she is not your friend." I put my purse on the table.

"Don't be jealous, babe. You are my only girlfriend." He came closer to me. "I promise you, you have nothing to worry about." He walked past me and locked the door. "No one will disturb us today, I made sure of it."

"Isn't your father here?" I questioned.

"No." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Dad went out for lunch but I didn't have lunch yet." He smiled. "How about you fulfill your duty as a girlfriend."

"You hungry?" I asked and he nod his head. "Well then let me do my duty as a girlfriend and buy you food today."

"I already have it in front of me." He picked me up. "You gained weight." He put me on the table. "Can we finish what we started last time when you were on my table?"

"You the only boyfriend that calls his girlfriend fat and still expect her to have s--." He started kissing me. I know I love him but I will get hurt sooner or later. I can feel it and after my deal with Kathleen, I feel guilty. I broke my grandfather's heart by choosing to stay as Elijah's girlfriend.

What if that fortune-teller was right? What if everything happens like she predicted and Elijah loses his life because of me. No no no, I can be single. I can live with Elijah not being mine. I can get hurt but not him, I really really love him. I can lose him to a girl but not death.

Kathleen is bad but she has a reason why she wants to destroy the family! I can't stop her, knowing I am a target myself. I was drugged and until I find the person who drugged me, I won't be able to even help Elijah. We both targets, but Elijah's enemy is right in front of him and I don't even know my enemy.

Who would want to kill me? I never wronged anyone.

My phone rang and Elijah grabbed it from me.

"Why does everyone always disturb us." He said.

"Eli, give my phone I don't have time for your games." I grabbed the phone from him and answered it. "Mom."

"Come home quickly, it's urgent." She disconnected the call quickly.

"I need to leave. Bye." I fixed my hair and dress. "Sorry for shouting at you." I kissed him on the cheek and took my purse.

Mom sounded serious. I hope Meghan didn't get in a fight again or else my mom will kill that kid and then I will have to be in the middle of the fight.

I arrived home and my mother was at the front door.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked because she looked so worried.

"Remember when I asked if you maybe got pranked at the business award and someone might've drugged you as part of the prank." I quickly nod my head. "I think I was right." We both went inside. "Anne, the person who drugged you is. . ." She turned away.

"Mom who is it?" I questioned.

"Elijah." She answered and I giggled.

"Elijah Carson?" I asked.

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