Chapter 21.

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Elijah's POV.

I kept distracting myself the whole day by working. I hate the fact I am the one that wants to call Annette when she left me. I checked my phone but there was no missed call or a message from her.

"Sir." Kathleen came in the room. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" 

"Well, I need your help so you can ask me anything." I replied and she took a seat.

"Sir, what will you wear tonight?" She is definitely weird, no wonder Anne hates her.

"Um." Annette always used to help me decide so I will just go with something simple I guess. "I think a maroon suit or black."

"So will this match, sir?" She gave me her phone. 

"Red dresses, are not my thing." I said, looking at the picture. "You wouldn't look good on a red dress, wear a black one." I smiled at her. "Now tell me, what do girls hate the most?"

"Annoying people." 

"Annette likes that." I replied. "Something else?"

"You want to know what Annette hates the most?" She asked and I nod her head. "Look at her social media accounts, you will definitely find something." She got up. 

"That is a good idea." I said and she left. "I should've asked Kathleen for Annette's username. I can't believe I don't follow her. 

There has to be someone in this world that knows Annette better than me except for her parents. I really want to send this surprise to her before tonight so she can call me and apologize.

Me: Meghan, what does Annette hate the most.

I waited for her reply. I could ask Oliver but he never keeps his mouth shut. He will tell Annette everything.

Meghan: Well, you asked me this same question in high school and college.

Me: Just tell me.

Meghan: She hates Clowns because she is scared of them. She also hates sunflowers and roses because of a personal reason.

Me: Thanks.

I quickly called Adrian.

"Adrian Knight speaking, how can I help you Mr Carson?"

"You with your girlfriends or something?" I asked.

"Naah, I am practicing for tonights mission so talk to me. What do you want?"

"I have a lot to do so can you please order sunflowers for Annette and send it to her."

"Are you crazy?" He asked. "Your parents anniversary is around the corner and you not planning a surprise party for them? I am glad you are not my son."

"Hey asshole, since when do you care about my parents anniversary?" I questioned.

"I always care about their anniversary party because it's one of my favorite moments that I get to spend with my family." I feel sorry for the girl he wants to impress. 

"I haven't got a chance to steal my father's money so I can't plan their anniversary party. Now do me a favor and send Annette the flowers."

"Are you seriously broke?" He started laughing. "Okay, I will send Annette the flowers so make sure you get the pregnancy test soon before its too late."

"I am telling you she isn't pregnant but to make you happy I will take Annette to the hospital tomorrow." I disconnected the call. 

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