Chapter 100.

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Annette's POV.

I woke up in Elijah's bed. I can't believe he let me sleep in his bed with him. I always knew he was very sweet deep down even though he is an asshole sometimes.

I got up and checked on the kids and they were both in their crib. They are so blessed to have an amazing dad who wakes up early to feed them before he goes to work.

I gave Red and Ryker a kiss before going to the bathroom to shower. I can't wait to see Elijah today. I hope he is free at lunch.

After I was done in the bathroom. I got ready and went to the kitchen. I will make food for the kids and Elijah. I am glad I can still remember what happened last night.

I called Meghan and she answered my call.

"I got good news." I told Meghan the second she answered the call.

"My plan worked?" She asked.

"Yes. Thank you for getting me to drink even though I didn't want to."

"Well, you didn't even drink a lot." She sighed. "Some of us have a hangover because we were wasted while you only had two shots."

"I was drunk too." I replied and she giggled.

"You were tipsy Annette. Anyway, as long as the plan worked, I am happy."

"You don't sound happy." I said.

"Well, you and Elijah are just a step away from being back together while I am locked up." She replied.

"But you are allowed to go out for an emergency. We even went out together last night so why are you acting like mom locked you up forever."

"Annette, your mother is treating me like a kid."

"Don't speak like that Meghan, she's your mother too."

"Well, she doesn't act like it." She said. "Anyway, I have to go. Bye, sis." She hanged up before I could say anything.

I went to the children's room and took Red and Ryker out of the crib. I took them to the sitting room and gave them their bottles.

I gave my mom a call and she answered.

"Hi, mom." I greeted.

"Hey, sweety. Please tell me you are not calling to tell me to let Meghan get married." My mom said.

"Please Mom just think about why Dad is fine with Meghan getting married."

"She emotionally blackmailed your dad, Annette." Mom replied. "But she won't do that to me. Annette, I love Meghan a lot that's why I will never let her throw her life away."

"I know Mom but can you please at least talk to Dad and hear why he is supporting Meghan? Please Mom." I begged.

"I'll talk to your father but that's it." She said. "I have to go now, bye Annette."

"Bye, mom." I disconnected the call.

I went back to the kitchen and continued my mission, to make lunch for the whole family. By the time I was done making the food, packing it for Elijah, and feeding the kids, it was twelve so I decided to get the kids ready. When everything was ready, I gave Aunt Sofia a call and she agreed to watch the kids.

I drove to Aunt's place and dropped Red and Ryker. I would've dropped the kids at my mom's place but she's pregnant so I can't stress her.

I went to Elijah's office and he was busy with paperwork.

"You don't knock?" Elijah asked.

"I was about to knock Elijah but the door was open so I--."

"It's fine." He quickly interrupted me. "You can come in and close the door."

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