Chapter 29.

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Annette's POV.

I followed Kathleen to her office room. Stealing one note isn't a crime, I have done worse things in my life. 

"Kathleen." I smiled and she took a step back.

"Why are you nice?" She crossed her arms across her chest. "I am not helping you with anything, Annette."

"You are my boyfriend's PA and I know you very kind-hearted." I walked closer to her and scanned the papers on the table with my eyes. I will have to run with her page the second I steal it.

"Mr Carson is my boss, not you." She said turning away from me. I quickly took her diary book. "So please leave my room before you start a fight with me." I tore the page and she turned to me. "My book."

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake." I tried to hide the page but she saw it.

"Give me the pages." She snapped and I shook my head. "You work for Mr Brown, you were suppose to make notes for him not steal notes from his partner's PA." 

"I just want a picture." She chased me around the table. "I promise we will be friends if I just take a picture." 

"No." She stopped chasing me. "Annette, you work for another company you can't take my notes." She got on the table. "Stop being childish and give me the page." She warned me and I shook my head.

"I just want one picture." She jumped from the table. "Kathleen stay away from me, I am warning you." Why the fuck is this so important? Was I wrong about her wanting to destroy the Carson family? What if she really actually likes the family? What if she is related to them or she is in love with a member of the family? Could I have been wrong about judging her character? I mean, who can go through all this trouble for a family they hate. If I hated the Carsons I would give the notes away. I would make sure all their companies hit the ground.

"I need my notes." She said and I pushed her away. I opened the door and ran out of her office. I slipped and someone immediately caught me before I could fell on the ground. He held my waist tightly and I put both my arms around my neck. 

"Everything good?" Elijah asked and I quickly stepped away from Mr Brown.

"Thanks." I smiled at Mr Brown fixing my dress. "Here are the notes."

"They mine." Kathleen grabbed them. 

"Were you fighting over the notes?" Mr Brown asked and I nod my head. "It's fine if you didn't make notes. I appreciate your effort f---."

"No. Take the notes." Elijah said and we all looked at him confused. "Mr Brown, the girl went through a lot just to impress you. The least you can do for her is take the notes please." Why the fuck is he calling me a girl? I am Annette and he knows my name. "Kathleen give them the notes."

"But sir they are my notes." Kathleen turned away. "I can't give it up." 

"Kathleen, I am your boss so do what I tell you to do." Elijah snapped. "Now give them the fucking notes and don't make me repeat myself."

"Elijah it's fin--."

"I wasn't talking to you." He made a tight fist. "Now take the notes and leave my company." He walked to Mr Brown and whispeared something to him. 

"I'll catch up with you Mr Brown. I need to talk to a friend quickly." I followed Elijah to his office. "Why did you create a scene as if something happened. You didn't have to shout at me in front of Kathleen." I said and he just took a seat. "Eli are you listening to me."

"Unlike you I have work today so please go to your boss or you might be jobless again." He continued looking at his files.

"You are right Elijah." I smiled at him. "I will go with my boss and I also give him the tickets to that new place." I threw the file off his desk before leaving the office.  I know I don't have any tickets to give away but I was just making him jealous. "Sorry I took long." I apologized to Mr Brown.

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