Chapter 97.

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Annette's POV.

I opened the door for my grandpa and Elijah went to his room. 

"So much anger in that kid." Grandpa said. "If he wasn't Ben's son I wouldn't mind him working for me. I need someone like him."

"Grandpa, he is off limits." I told him. "He will never work for you."

"I know. But please do tell him that he is always welcome if wants to join my business and leave the Carsons behind." 

"Grandpa, snap out of it. Elijah literally hates you the most in this world." I told him the truth and he smiled.

"I have lived long enough to know when someone is pretending and when they mean it and that kid, that boy doesn't hate me. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he took a bullet for me." He said and I laughed. "I'm serious Annette, he really doesn't have the heart to pull the trigger but he has the heart to be in front of a bullet."

"You calling him weak?" I asked.

"He is weak, very weak. He is like his mom, not his dad when it comes to killing but the anger, his temper, that is from Benjamin. That's why he needs proper training and I can give him that if he wants to work for me. He would be unstoppable."

"You are delusional, grandpa. Eli will never work for you." I told him and he ignored me and went to the kids. 

"My boy." He quickly picked Ryker up. "They have ur ginger hair, I pray they take after you." Ryker started crying so I took him from Grandpa. 

"Red is the one who is friendly with strangers." I told him so he picked Red up. "So, what brings you here?" 

"You didn't answer your phone and I heard you have been targetted twice this week." Grandpa said. 

"I have been busy with the kids that's why I couldn't answer ur calls. Sorry." I lied, I don't know where my phone is and I have been looking for it but I couldn't find it. 

"And I thought you were ignoring me because you told your mom about the wedding." Grandpa said.

"I didn't tell mom anything yet. Grandpa, you asked me to keep it a secret from her and you said you would talk to her yourself so why would I go behind your back?" I asked and I shrugged. "I swear I only told the Carson family."

"Well, your mom called me a while ago so she knows." I can't believe Aunt Sofia told my mom after I asked her not to tell anyone anything. 

"I'm sorry." 

"It's fine, princess." Grandpa said. "I didn't come here to get an apology from you. I just want you to reconsider the marriage."

"Gramps I am fine with it. I swear." I said and he smiled.

"Are you fine with it cause I asked or because you want to do it?" He asked. "Anne, you are my granddaughter and I told you before that I will always put you first no matter what so please be honest."

"A part of me doesn't want to go through with it because I am scared." I told him.

"What are you scared of? Losing Elijah?" He asked but I didn't answer him. "I know you love him Annette and if you think it's worth breaking the alliance then it's fine. I anyway hate the Lightwood and I wouldn't mind someone else killing their son instead of you."

"Gramps I really don't mind marrying Romeo, so you won't have to call the wedding off. I am fine with it." 

"I know you kid and I know you are scared of losing that Carson boy because you love him a lot. You also have kids with him so I understand but what I don't understand is why you are not as open as you used to be. You don't tell me the truth anymore, you don't tell me how you feel all you ever care about is pleasing everyone."

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