Chapter 96.

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Annette's POV.

The next morning Uncle Ben and Aunt Sofia came to visit so they could drop the children off. I don't know how Elijah convinced them that the kids would be safe with us, but I am glad they agreed to let us take care of our children.

"I know you both didn't see your babies for days but what's the plan? You know you can't take of kids that are a year and a half while fighting criminals so what is the plan?" Aunt Sofia asked.

"Mom, we will take care of them. I promise. So just relax and focus on your last born, Seth." Elijah said. "Red and Ryker are ours, you know we would never let anything happen to them."

"I took the bounty off Annette, but she still has the one her family enemy put on her head." Uncle Ben said. I can't believe he figured out how to remove the bounty of my head. I just hope he didn't accidentally make a mistake that will tell everyone that the Carson family and I care about each other a lot. 

"How?" Eli asked.

"It's not important. You just focus on taking care of the kids." Uncle Ben said. "Anyway, we need to get going."

"You sure you don't want anything to drink?" I asked and they both shook their heads. "Okay then, I'll walk you out."

"Bye Mom, bye Dad." Elijah hugged them both.

I walked Uncle Ben and Aunt Sofia out so I could talk to them without Elijah. 

"Please take care of yourself, Elijah, and the kids." Aunt Sofia kissed me on the forehead. "You are still my girl Annette, no matter what happens."

"Thank you, Aunt. I love you." I said and she smiled.

"You know I love you too." Aunt Sofia said. 

"When you are done telling Annette how much you love her, you can find me in the car." Uncle Ben said and Aunt Sofia rolled her eyes.

"Please wait." I stopped him. "I want to tell you both something." I hope they take this well. "Umm, please don't tell my mom because she doesn't know."

"Tell her what?" Uncle Ben asked.

"I'm getting married, soon." I faked a smile. "I just wanted to tell you that before anyone else does."

"Who are you marrying?" Aunt Sofia asked.

"Your mother doesn't know?" Uncle Ben asked.

"She doesn't---."

"Don't answer that." Aunt Sofia interrupted me. "Answer my question. Who are you getting married to?" 

"Why does that matter?" Uncle Ben asked before I could tell her who I'd be getting married to. 

"It might affect her relationship with Elijah." Aunt Sofia said. "Now Anne, who are you getting married to?"

"His name is Romeo, he is really nice." I told them. 

"And Elijah knows?" Uncle Ben asked and I nodded my head. "But your mom doesn't. That is very weird." He shook his head. "Your grandpa wants you to marry Romeo that's why your mom doesn't know, right?" 

"It's none of our business Benjamin." Aunt Sofia said. "Annette, please tell your mom because it's time you stopped doing whatever your grandpa wants you to do and put yourself first." She patted me on the cheek. "I really love you my child but the decisions you make sometimes make me want to question if you are still the same Annette I saw grow up."

"Yeah." I didn't know what else to say because everything I always do is to protect them. I always put them first but everyone thinks I am irresponsible and heartless. "I have good news." I quickly added. "Elijah forgave me."

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