Chapter 82.

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Annette's POV.

I arrived at Elijah's house and there were reporters outside. I know they will ask me some of the hardest questions but I won't answer them. I will have to ignore them and get in the house by force.

I got out of my car and they all turned to me, shocked. 

"Ms. Annette, where have you been for the past year?" One of them asked.

"Did the Carson hide you?" Another asked. "Ms. Annette, how are you still alive?" They kept asking questions and I went past them by force. I didn't say a word nor did I fight with a reporter.

The guard opened the big gate for me and I went through. Elijah is probably not angry with me since the guards didn't stop me from entering the gate.

I knocked on the door and Oliver opened it. I hugged him and he didn't push me away.

"You like to keep secrets." He said. "I'm glad you are alive." He smiled.

"I miss you a lot." I told him. "Where is Elijah?"

"He is in the shower." Oliver replied and at that second I heard a baby laugh so I walked to the kitchen and there my little baby boy and girl were playing with Adrian. 

"Hey." I greeted Adrian who ignored me. I tried to pick Ryker up but Adrian stopped me so Oliver asked him to allow me to pick up my baby. "Mommy missed you." I kissed Ryker. He really inherited my ginger hair.

Ryker started crying so Adrian took him from me. The second I picked Red, she started crying and I tried to calm her down but it only got worse so Elijah came running.

"What the fuck." He grabbed Red from me. "Can't you see what you have done to my children?" He calmed Red down. "Oliver, take her out of my house." He added. "I already got a restraining order against her so she better never come here again unless she wants to be arrested."

"Are you crazy?" I snapped. "I really understand that you are angry and that you feel betrayed by me but that doesn't mean you have to get a restraining order against me. I am the mother of your children."

"The donor!" He said. "You are not the mother so if you don't want to get arrested, leave my house right now."

"Let's give them privacy." Oliver took Red from Elijah. 

"Leave my house." Elijah said. "Or I will call the police."

"I am really sorry I broke your heart. I really didn't mean to and our babies, they are my children too so please stop being stubborn. Let me just spend an hour with the babies, just one hour." 

"You can't see my children so leave." He snapped. 

"I really didn't mean to hurt you Elijah so please let me see the kids." I cried.

"I said leave my house." He grabbed me and threw me out of the house. "I don't want to see you anywhere near my children."

"They are my children too." I tried to get into his house but he pushed me.

"You saw the state Red was in when you touched her. My children don't like you, they hate you just like I so don't ever come here again unless you want to die this time." He closed the door on my face and I broke down on the floor. 

"I didn't mean to leave them. I am sorry!" I cried. 

I quickly got up and wiped my tears. I can't believe I embarrassed myself in front of the media.

I walked out of the gates and they started asking me questions. 

"Is there a custody fight?" One reporter asked. "Are the Carsons refusing to let you see your kids?

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