Chapter 41.

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Annette's POV.

I was sick the whole day. I couldn't even leave the house or do more research on Kathleen. I hate getting sick. I can't wait to get well so I can make a plan to get rid of Kathleen. Adam is a fucking genius for sending me Kathleen's full name. Because of him, I know Kathleen wants to be part of the Carsons for some sick reason but her second name is killing me. Ivy, I really heard that name before but I can't remember where I heard it.

Eli is a genius, if I ask him to help me find out where I heard the name Ivy than he will help me but he will ask me why and I don't want to tell him it's Kathleen's middle name. I will just have to find a way to ask Eli about the name Ivy.

"You still don't want to eat, Annette." Mom asked and I nod my head. "Annette I need to help your grandpa with something but I can't leave you like this. Are you sure you okay honey?"

"Yes, mom. My tummy is just upset and if I get worse I will call you or Eli, bye." Mom kissed me on the forehead.

"I hope you not pregnant." She mumbled, leaving. 

Pregnant? This woman is crazy. I can never be pregnant. Elijah and I are both careful.

I quickly ran to my bathroom and started vomiting again. I don't feel good, I just want to sleep and wake up again. I just want to be good again.

I took my phone out and started googling symptoms for pregnancy. The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include, missed periods. Yes, I missed my period but I am late sometimes so that one is out. 

Swollen breasts?  

I checked my breasts and they are in fact a little swollen but that must be because my period is coming. 

Nauseous, that includes vomiting sometimes. 

Oh god, I definitely have this one but it must be because of the junk food.

Increased urination? 

What the fuck, I always pee a lot when I drink a lot of water! So that means I am not pregnant but I will still do a pregnancy test just to be sure. 

Me:  Eli, I am not feeling good so can you please buy me a pregnancy test. 

I send him a message and he took forever to reply.

Love: Pregnancy test? Are you pregnant? 

Me: No. But I want to make sure so please buy it for me before my parents come back home.

I quickly went under my blanket. I don't want to be pregnant now. My life is in danger, Elijah's life is in danger so I can't be pregnant. I don't want my kid to suffer. I want to have a happy family when all my family enemies die. Now isn't the time to bring children to this world.

I fell asleep. 

Elijah's POV.

I knocked one Annette's house but no one answered so I took my keys out and opened the door. I don't know why I feel scared about her being pregnant.

"Annette." I woke her up and she jumped up.

"How did you get inside?" She questioned.

"I stole the spare key." I smiled. "After all, I am the son-in-law of this house."

"Eli, my mom will kill you if she finds out you have our key." She grabbed the pregnancy test from me. "I will go take the test, you stay here."

"Okay, hurry up because I need to go back to work." I told her and she went inside her bathroom. My heart is skipping beats as if I am the one that will be pregnant. I don't think I am ready to be a father. I planned to have my first kid when I am in my late thirties, not now. That kid will feel neglected. 

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