Chapter 70.

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Elijah POV.

I woke up early, took a shower, and made breakfast for myself and the two babies. It's sad to see them grow up so fast without their mother. I miss her so much and I know they do too.

My phone beeped and I looked at the message

Dad: Think about it, Elijah. It's been more than a year kiddo.

I read his message. I don't know why my family doesn't understand me. I don't want to go to Annette's will reading. I just want to forget her, her death, and everything about her. I already have the two babies that remind me of her, I don't need anything more. I don't need her money or things. I have enough!

Me: I have an important meeting today.

Dad: I will be attending the meeting so go to the will reading please.

My dad never takes a no.

Me: Okay I will, but only if you agree to stop asking me to go to parties or dates.

Dad: Fine!

Finally, I took my dad off my back, now I just have to find a way to get mom to leave my love life. 

I fed the kids and called Adrian to come to pick me up. I will just get this will thing out of my way so everyone can stop asking me about the will.

We dropped my kids off at my parent's place and then went straight to Annette's lawyer. 

"Hello, Mr. Carson, nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Sir." I shook his hand and Adrian started coughing.

"Oh, Hello sir." He greeted him and Adrian.

"Thank you for seeing me." Adrian replied, sitting down. "Can we please do it quickly, before Elijah changes his mind."

"Well, there's not a lot Ms. Annette left so it won't take long." He said. "Here is a letter for you and the children." He handed me a letter. "Well, she owns two houses, one in LA and one here, in New York so she wants her current boyfriend, that is you, to inherit one of the houses and for her child or children to share the other house. She didn't specify if it's the firstborn but she left a million dollars for her child."

"I'll split it amongst them, thanks."

"Wait, how is Annette so rich?" Adrian asked.

"It's her savings and she got some of the stuff as a gift from her family just like you." I told him and he nod. "Bye Sir.

"Bye Mr. Carson and Mr. Knight." We both left his office.

"You know Annette only left me a letter, a letter bro." Adrian complained. "And she left you a mansion in LA. I swear she really loved you a lot."

"I don't want it. You can have the mansion, sell it, burn it or give it away I don't care about it if she's not here." Tears formed in my eyes.

"Sorry, buddy." He pats my back. "You will be fine." 

They said time heals everything but they lied, they really lied. Time just makes it worse especially when you have to see her children every day. How will I tell her where their mother is? 

"Bye." Adrian dropped me at my parent's house.

I opened the envelope and a necklace fell out. I quickly picked it up and started reading the letter inside the envelope. This is the reality, this was her final words to me. Heer children won't even get to hear her final words until they are old enough. 

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