Chapter 79.

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Annette's POV.

I dressed up as if I was going to my normal missions. I can't believe I am doing this. This is the last time I am doing anyone a favor.

"Annette, we have a problem." Adam said. 

"What is grandpa doing here?" I closed the curtains. "Adam, you have to change, he can't know you doing my mission for me, or else he will know what I am up to."

"We will just pretend we doing the mission together, just act cool." He said and someone started knocking on the door. "Act natural." 

I opened the door.

"I am sure you heard about Elijah." Grandpa said as he came in. "Oh Adam, what are you ding here?"

"I am helping Annette tonight." 

"Annette works better when she's alone." Grandpa said. "Right Anne?"

"Granpa, I just want Adam with me tonight. You know I can learn a lot from him." I said.

"Okay, he can go with you but only if you promise me you won't act smart and try and save Elijah." He said so I nod my head. "Swear on my life."

"Grandpa, you literally don't even care ab--."

"Annette, just swear to god and on my life. There's nothing hard about that." 

Seriously, nothing hard about trying to help the father of your kids. My grandpa is reeeeeally the best!

"I swear." I smiled, hugging him. "I love you."

"I love you more, kiddo." He smiled. "I have to go now, you two should be back at the headquarters at one, an hour after midnight, Okay?"

"Yes, boss!" Adam and I both agreed so grandpa left our room. We both waited to talk until we saw grandpa leave from the front door and get in his car.

"You have to call me if anything happens. I will be there.."

"Annette I am not a kid, and I have backup if anything goes wrong unlike you. You are literally going after a lunatic without backup."

"I do have backup, the person who sent me the location is my backup." 

"Benjamin? Really?" He shook his head. "That man only cares about his family, he just uses you Annette."

"Benjamin isn't so bad, I promise."

"He emotionally blackmailed you and you think he is not so bad." He smirked. "I don't think Kathleen is a lunatic, I think you are the lunatic one." I pulled his ear.

"Focus, please!" I begged. "One wrong moved Adam and we both die." I told him. "I will see you at one, after midnight at the headquarters. We will meet outside the headquarters so don't be late."

"I will be there and you know I will kill my target." He cupped my face. "Shoot Kathleen and leave that place, don't act stay a minute more or the chances of Henry finding out--."

"He won't." I interrupted him. "He won't find out and as for shooting Kathleen, I will do that after I settle some old scores." I hugged him. "I will call you the second I am done."

"You better." 

I put my mask on as we both left the room. He took the elevator and I took the stairs. Uncle Benjamin said he would meet me there but he didn't call me yesterday. What if he changed his mind? 

I got in my car. I started driving at a speed. It's so late, when will uncle call me? 

Elijah's POV.

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