Chapter 88.

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Annette's POV.

"Oh, hey Uncle." I said, wiping my tears the second I saw him.

"What's wrong kid?" He asked. "Did he do something to you?"

"No, he just told me the truth." I said. "He is still hurt Uncle and no matter what I do or say, he won't let go of the past."

"Your generation is always quick to give up!" He quickly handcuffed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I will distract Elijah and then you can handcuff yourself to him."

"I am scared of doing that? What if he gets angry and he doesn't allow it?" I asked and he laughed.

"If I was you, I wouldn't be scared of that part. I am scared for you because you will be handcuffed to him." Benjamin laughed. "Elijah is stubborn and right now he wants to hurt you so I wouldn't be surprised if he broke your hand or his to uncuff himself."

"Well, if he breaks my hand, he will still be handcuffed beca---. Oh." I giggled. "He wouldn't dare break my hand."

"What makes you so sure?" Uncle asked.

"You and Aunt Sofia raised him so..." I smiled. "Elijah will never hurt a girl, especially since he -- he loved me once upon a time uncle."

"Yeah, but we can never be too sure. I am actually hoping he breaks your hand." Benjamin smiled. "That way, we know for sure that he hates you."

"Are you helping me win Elijah or are you just helping Elijah move on?"

"Both!" He said. "Elijah is my son, and if I could help him I would really help him move on." He continued. "But right now, I don't know if he wants to move on, by the look of things, I actually... Annette, I really think he cares about you, that's why I am helping you. I know if I was in your position I would want someone to get the love of my life back."

"Thank you, uncle." I hugged him. "I always knew you cared about me, so thank you for helping me."

I went with Benjamin and he left me with Aunt Sofia who said Uncle Benjamin's plans are the worse and he never takes the blame if anything goes wrong. I know she's right when she says that but right now, I am desperate to get my Elijah back. I know if he really ever loved me then he will love me again sooner or later. 

Uncle Benjamin took Elijah to the back door and Aunt Sofia took my hand. 

"I really think handcuffing you two is the worse thing anyone could ever think about it." Aunt Sofia said and I followed her. 

We went to Uncle Benjamin and Elijah who he blindfolded. 

Uncle Benjamin took Elijah's hand and told me to come closer. He quickly handcuffed Elijah and Elijah tried taking his blindfold but Aunt Sofia stopped him.

"I want to see." Elijah said. 

"You will in a minute, let me just fix something real quick." Uncle Benjamin said. 

"Good luck." Aunt Sofia whispered before leaving with Uncle Benjamin. 

Elijah removed his blindfold and laughed when he saw me handcuffed to him. I am glad he isn't angry but I don't know how to feel about being handcuffed to him. What am I supposed to do or say? I should stop being desperate to win his love and stop being stupid! 

"Do you have to prove me wrong all the time?" He questioned. "Every time I think you have reached your limit, you prove me wrong and show me that you can stoop very low to get your way. Don't you ever think that you are embarrassing yourself?" He asked, trying to take the handcuffs off. "Argh!" He looked at me angrily. "Just give me the key already!"

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