Chapter 89.

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Elijah's POV.

Annette's phone rang waking me up. She lied to me last night about not having her phone. 

Annette answered the call and I pretended to be sleeping. I wonder why anyone would call her so early in the morning. 

"Mom, just calm down." She said. "You know what, I will meet you in an hour and we will think of something. Love you Ma." 

Who are they conspiring against now? I will follow her today until I find out what she and her mother are hiding.

"Eli, wake up." Annette started shaking my shoulder. "Are you enjoying being handcuffed to me?" She asked. 

"No." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. She didn't want to help me break free from her last night but now that her mother called her she doesn't want to be attached to me anymore. I wonder what is so important that she doesn't even want me to know.

"Let's find a way to break this handcuff." She said. "Or else you'll be stuck with me until Uncle Benjamin gives us the key."

"I tried to break it last night but I couldn't." I don't even feel like getting rid of these handcuffs. I want to follow her and find out what they are hiding from me. 

"Well, I think I can pick handcuffs so let's find a pin." She really is eager to leave.

"Look at the drawer next to you." I told her and she started searching. She found the pin and quickly uncuffed us. "Happy?" She asked.

"I would be happy if you were not in my house." I replied. 

"Umm, I have to visit my mother so is it fine if I fetch the kids along the way?" She asked.

"It depends." I said. "Why are you visiting your mother?" 

"Well, Meghan has been acting up again so I need to talk to her and since I didn't see my mother for so long, I just want to spend some time with her." She is fucking lying. Since when does she need to rush to go see her family because of her sister acting up?

"I guess you can go pick up the children but I--I was thinking of meeting Meghan this week so I will go with you." I know she won't agree but I will still go see Meghan so I can eavesdrop on her and her mother.

"Well, we kinda have a small family meeting so how about I text you when we are done and then you can see Meghan." Now I am determined to follow her to her house. 


-  -  - - 

With the help of Meghan, I entered Annette's house through the window. She is my favorite person in this house after Uncle Marko. She's very honest, something Annette will never be.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I need to know what your sister is up to." I whispered. "She lied to me this morning and said she's coming here to talk to you 'cause you have been acting up."

"I can't believe she said that. Eli, she is in mother's room talking to her so I will go and talk to Annette now." Meghan said and I stopped her.

"I want to talk to her so can you please stay in this room." I asked and she rolled her eyes before agreeing to stay in her room. 

I left Meghan's room and tiptoed to her parent's room. 

"It's not a good idea mom." Annette said. 

"I don't have a choice." Anna replied. "I have already used every trick in the book. My dear, I asked Sofia to stop Marko from meeting me at the hospital last time, and then I gave Marko fake reports. Marko will figure that we have been lying to him."

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