Chapter 64.

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Third person's POV.

"Elijah, let's go home." Adrian opened the car door for Elijah and Elijah got in the car not saying a word. Tears were just rolling down his cheeks. "Gents, please tell uncle Benjamin we found Elijah and update my dad too. I'll take Elijah to my house." Adrian got in the car and started driving. "We were worried about you bro, where have you been?" He asked Elijah but Elijah didn't say a word. "I'm sorry." He wiped Elijah's tears while driving the car. "We will get through this." He stopped the car and opened the door for Elijah. "Stop ignoring me, Elijah." Adrian pulled Elijah out of the car. He forced Elijah to go inside his house and took him upstairs. 

"I'll get you something to eat, just don't leave this room." Adrian said while taking all the sharp objects from the room. "I'll be back in a minute." He locked Elijah in the room. 

Benjamin took Sofia home. 

"When will the twins come home?" Sofia asked Benjamin. 

"I'll go fetch them soon but you have to stay here. Don't even go upstairs and call me if you need anything." 

"Why can't I go upstairs?" Sofia asked. 

"Because Oliver, Emily, and the twins will sleep upstairs." 

"I forgot about that. I'll just go clean the rooms for them." Sofia tried to go upstairs and Benjamin stopped her.

"I'll get the rooms ready, you can stay downstairs and sleep in any of these rooms if you're tired." Benjamin went upstairs. 'Sofia is stubborn, how will I look after her when she questions everything I do or say' 

"What are you doing?" Sofia asked as she entered their bedroom. 

"Didn't I tell you to stay downstairs?" He quickly hides the syringe with the needle.

"You hiding something." Sofia said. "Let me see." He showed her the syringe with the needle in it. "Benjamin, no! I swear if you try to inject me with anything I will never ---." 

"It's not for you." Benjamin said. 

"Then who are you planning to inject with that?" 

"It's for Oliver. I want to knock him out just for a few hours when the twins get here. He is stubborn so I have no other choice." 

"Please let this be the last time you inject him. You know Oliver hates injections." Sofia said and Benjamin nod his head.

'I would've injected you too Sofia, but I can't because you are pregnant and you would fight with me as soon as you regain consciousness.' 

"Damien is calling me, let me quickly answer it." Benjamin answered Damien's call and step out of the room. "Damien?"

"They found Elijah so Adrian took him to his house." Damien said. "I am at the hospital so we'll meet at Adrian's house."

"No. I will meet you at the hospital because I am coming there to get the kids." 

"Stop being stubborn. I am already at the hospital and I'll take care of Oliver if you are worried about him. Just make sure you meet me at Adrian's house." He hangs up. 

"Sofia, Elijah is at Adrian's place. Let's go bring him home." 

Sofia and Benjamin both left the house to go to Adrian's place. 

They arrived and Adrian showed them the room Elijah was in. 

"Hey, Eli." Sofia said as they entered the room. "I am so sorry, my boy." She wiped his tears but he was focus on Annette's picture. 

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