Chapter 103.

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ONE month Later!

Annette's POV. 

It's been one long month and a lot has happened. Elijah and I got very close, closer than we have ever been. Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Sofia are happy that we are back together and this time no one will break us up. 

On the other hand, my parents are back together. Elijah was the one who helped them get back together and I will always be grateful for him. He is not just an amazing son, he is a great dad, an amazing future son-in-law and the best man a girl could ever wish for. Speaking of son-in-law, Elijah doesn't want to ever get married again. He said he is happy with the way we are right now and how everything is just so perfect so he doesn't want to mess that up by getting married. I on the other hand want to get married. I just believe marriage would complete my family but I don't mind not being married as long as I get to have him in my life. 

I remember someone once told me as long as you have the people you love the most in life, it doesn't matter if you don't have a specific title because just having them in your life is more than enough. And now I understand what he meant by that. I am very lucky to have my Elijah back and being loved by him is more than enough. I don't need to ever be Mrs Carson as long as we stay as happy and loving as we are right now. 

Elijah and I got the kids ready since today is my baby sister's big day. I can't believe she is getting married before me but I am so happy for her and I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle.

After we got the kids ready, Elijah and I got ready and we were all ready to go to the wedding. 

"Is your partner running late?" Elijah asked holding Ryker who was matching with him. 

"Mr Brown will be here soon." I replied. "Please wait with me."

"Nope. Mr Brown is too old and old people take their time. I wouldn't be surprised if he just woke up now." Elijah is very rude. 

"If you wait with me you will have a good time tonight." I said.

"I will wait with you Annette because I am a gentleman and also you just promised me that we will have a long night tonight." Elijah replied. "Do you think Mr Brown even remembers today is the wedding?"

"Of course he does Eli. He is not old." I told him. "Oh, here he is." I said as a car approached us. "You can go now."

"See you at the wedding." Elijah kissed Red. "Don't forget to sit next to me." He whispered as he kissed me. 

"Bye Ryker." I kissed my baby boy before leaving Elijah and him. 

Mr Brown got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got in the car with Red. This is the first wedding I am attending as a mother and it's my sister's wedding. I pray everything goes according to plan. 

"You look beautiful." Mr Brown complimented me. "And your daughter is beautiful too."

"Thank you." I replied. "You look good too."

"Thanks." He smiled. "Are you attending the after-party?" I can't believe he is asking me if I will attend the party after the wedding. Of course, I am going to attend it but I have to act stupid now.

"What party?" I asked.

"There's a party after the wedding." 

"Oh, you talking about the one Elijah is taking me to." I hope he gets the hint because I am not going anywhere with him anymore. Elijah will get jealous and then we will have problems because of him so I have to stay away from him. 

"So you are going?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Well, you should enjoy it cause you don't know when is the last time you will be with the people you love."

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