Chapter 69.

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One year later!

Elijah's POV.

I put on my suit and tie and looked at the mirror.

"Handsome? Check!" I giggled. 

It's been a year. A lot has happened, my daughter and son have grown up, a little, and we all waiting for my baby brother to say his first word. I have been blessed with so many good things and I hope I stay that way. My life has never been better, I am happy again, genuinely, not fake! I visit Annette's grave here and there even though I always pray she's still alive. I took Red and Ryker to their mother's grave on their birthday and they were both happy. 

Adrian is planning on getting married and Oliver, Meghan, Emily, and Evalina graduated. We had a small function for them last week to celebrate their achievements. 

"Ryker." He walked to me and I picked him up. "You love daddy a lot, don't you." I kissed him. 

"Dada." Red said, stretched her hands while sitting on Oliver's lap. "Dada." She smiled as I picked her up. 

"Your daughter never wants to stay with anyone when she sees you." Oliver said taking Ryker from me. "That's why Ryker will always be my favorite."

"Red is a handful." I said and my parents came into the house. "When will you two give me back my key." 

"We don't like knocking so you won't be getting it anytime soon." Dad replied. "How's my favorite grandson." Dad kissed Ryker. 

"He is your only grandson." Oliver smiled. "And your only granddaughter still loves Elijah the most."

"He is the dad, you will understand why Red is attracted to Elijah when you have your own child." Mom told Oliver. "Now keep your little brother while I hold my granddaughter." She gave Seth to Oliver. 

"Seth is looking so beautiful, he really looks a lot like Emily and mom." Oliver commented.

"If he is beautiful then he looks like me." I said and they all laughed. "Anyway, I have to address the nation today so I have to leave now."

"Elijah you are not the president, stop exaggerating, you are just doing a little speech and there will only be a few journalist and plus it is in an hour's time so you don't need to leave now." Dad said and I shook my head.

"Dad, it's not good to be late and I really want to get it over and done with." I replied. "You guys can come with me if you want."

"No one needs your permission Elijah." Mom said and I smiled. "Benjamin and I wanted to be there but I think it's about time you did your own things since you are an adult and you are father to two babies." 

"Glad you finally agree." I said. "So bye and take care of Ryker and Red for me." I gave them all a kiss except for Oliver who pushed me away. "I am still your older brother, kiddo." I told Oliver.

"I know." Oliver replied. "Let's go before Adrian starts calling us."

"You are going with Elijah?" My dad asked.

"Yes. I have to make sure he doesn't threaten or beat anyone up." Oliver said.

"Bye, everyone." Oliver and I left the house. The whole ride Oliver kept talking about how Adrian's girlfriend is not good enough for him and how she is a traitor and might betray us since she is a journalist.

We arrived and the journalists were already inside the hall. 

"I think you should forget about Adrian's girlfriend." I told Oliver. "And focus on getting yourself a good girlfriend."

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