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After what seems like hours of having people glare at you and whispering things to one another, the bus comes to a complete stop.

I look out the window to see if we have reached school yet, but we haven't. We were stuck in traffic. This is just brilliant,stuck on a bus full of people that obviously hate me for no particular reason.

I rummage through my bag to find my headphones. Once I finally found them, I quickly stuck them in my ears and turned up the volume of my phone to block out every ounce of noise possible.

I really just want to be home right now watching Netflix and wishing that my Life could be like the ones in the hopeless romantic movies that I watch all the time.

I look out the window and see that we are now moving. It takes about 25 minutes until I finally see what caused the traffic. It was a car crash. There was a black Mercedes, which didn't seem too damaged at all really. The front of the car was wrecked pretty bad but the rest of the car looked brand new.

I saw what I'm guessing is the driver of the car since he was standing next to it frantically blurting and mumbling things out at the officers. I'm pretty sure he was drunk because the officers made him walk in a straight line, but he failed miserably as he stumbled over his own 2 feet.

The other car well, you could barely tell it was a car. It was smashed to a pulp,like someone had hit it with a wrecking ball several times.

The sides and the top of the car looked like it had many large dents in it. Which means that I guess it flipped over a couple of times on the road before officers could bring it to the side to speed up the traffic the crash caused.

I'm finally snapped back to reality, when the bus starts moving, the car wreck getting farther and farther out of my line of vision. Once I cant see it anymore, I turn back around in my seat that way I'm facing the brown leather seat in front of me.
5 minutes had gone by ,and we're finally at school. I hate school, but it's better than staying on this bus that's for sure.

We were obviously late due to traffic, but it looks like the rest of the buses were too, so they said we will start classes later due to the fact that half the school has not yet arrived.

I walk over to my locker, #284, and open it with ease. I've had the same locker every year due to the fact that I asked, no pleaded the office to let me keep this one instead of switching every year we come back. I grabbed the books that I needed and shoved them into my bag. I then closed my locker and headed to my 1st class, History.

I hate history with a unique kind of hatred. It's always so boring, and I'm pretty sure I always end up falling asleep in class due to it.
I head to my seat in the back of the class and slump down onto the chair beneath me.
Minutes later the bell rings and the teacher soon gives us all our assignments for the day.
After what feels like days of doing work and being laughed at, it's finally lunch. Lunch is my favorite period cause well...its lunch. I'm not in it for the social aspect though. I'm in it for the food!

I mean who doesn't love food? I'm also not the type of person to actually eat in the cafeteria either. Since I have no friends to talk to in there,I eat in the music room. It much more quiet and well it's a music room.

I usually lock the door and do my own thing in there. No students have caught me in here and ,that's how I prefer it.
When I'm in the music room I tend to sing, a lot. I love singing, I've been doing it since I was 10. It's my way to connect with the music on a whole different level.

Its my way of relieving my stress to the world. No one has ever heard me sing ,and I want to keep it that way. I don't think I have a very good voice, but I just do it to keep myself occupied, and make myself feel better. I grab my lunch that I packed this morning, and head down to the music room.

I grab the key from my bag and unlock the large brown door. I quickly open it and close it behind me hiding myself from the outside world. I flip the light switch on ,and I immediately feel enlightened with joy. Music has always been apart of my life, and I hope it always will be.
The bell finally rings in 6th period, which means I can finally go home. In the afternoon,I usually walk home instead of taking the bus. I can clear my head that way and just think. Thinking helps me but also kills me at the same time. It's complicated.
I finally get to my house, but something was different. As I'm walking up the driveway, I look to the right to see the house that had been for sale for the longest time ever.

Strangely enough, I look in the drive way and see a moving truck. The sign is also taken down from the front lawn as well.

Looks like I'm gonna have some new neighbors, that's just great.....more people that will end up not noticing me, or make fun of me. Just what I need.

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