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Alyssa's POV.

Today is the day. Today is my 17th birthday! I don't really do anything for my birthday. I haven't since I was 10. That's when my parents stopped noticing me. It's the day I became invisible.

I was woken up from a big massive crash in the living room. I scurried out of my room,only in my pajamas, and quickly went down stairs.

I didn't want to intrude,so I just peeked around the corner.

"Tristen calm down baby." My mom shakily soothed my 12 year old brother.
"It's your sisters birthday, let's try to be happy,okay?" Mom said as she rubbed his back.

"No! She always gets the attention!" Tristen fired back. What's wrong with him? I barely get any attention. Yeah they throw birthday parties for me and tell me they love me, but they never spend time with me. They haven't since I was 8.

I don't really care though. I'm just happy they love me and know I exist.
"She is an attention whore!" He screamed out. What does that mean? What is a whore?

My mom then slapped my brother across the face. "How dare you use that language young man!" I could hear the hurt in her voice. Tristen then became his old self.
*End Of FlashBack*

Tristen has personality switches.Like one day he'll be himself; nice,kind,sweet,athletic. Then he'll act the direct opposite. It started when my brother 10. I was 8 at the time ,so I didn't really understand.

Miranda..well Miranda was 12 when ️it began. She shielded me for the most part. Not wanting me to see what is happening to my older brother.

She was a sister,a best friend, and a mother to me when my parents started to ignore me. They gave Tristen all their day offs, all their attention.

They rarely had day offs. After that day, my 10th birthday, I became a ghost. I was no longer in my parents' line of vision. All they saw were Tristen. Even Miranda started to lose our parents' attention,but only for a little while; a month or two, before the incident occurred.

I hadn't realized that I had been crying. I quickly wiped the tears that fell and ones that were threatening to fall.

Today is March 24, 2015. It's a Tuesday, which means I would normally have school. Wrong! Liz told the school that me and all the lads were sick. So we could all hang out for my birthday. Don't know if we are lounging around the house or going out anywhere.

I'm just glad I get to hang with my best friends.

It's only 6 a.m so no one is up yet. I couldn't sleep. I tried to go back to sleep ,but I was already wide awake, so no use in trying.

I was scrolling through my phone when I got a text from a random number. I thought it was my Uncle Fletcher. My heart began to beat rapidly.

But then I was at ease. It wasn't him; Thank God. It was the girl that I bumped into at the coffee shop when I was out with Luke.

From: Unknown

Hey, it's Meee! The girl you bumped into at the coffee shop? Srry I haven't texted you. I've been caught up in things. Oh and my name is Selena by the way. :)
I smiled at the message and texted her back.

To: Selena :)

Hey gurrl! I'm Alyssa, I don't know if I've told you that already lol.

From:Selena :)

No you haven't, thank you for the information lol.

To:Selena :)

Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with my friends and I? Today is my 17th birthday!

From: Selena :)

What? Happy Birthday!! I would love to!
I then texted her my address. She said she would be here in about half an hour. I was so excited!

I don't get along with people that well. But we clicked like Instantly. It feels like I've known her for years. I can't wait for they boys to meet her!

I got dressed for today's events. Don't know what we are doing ,so I dressed in something casual. I'm wearing an All Time Low band T-Shirt, dark ripped blue jeans, and black converse.

I then straightened my hair and added a bit of mascara to my eye lashes. I know I don't usually wear make up,but if I do it's only mascara, nothing else.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. There sat all the boys at the breakfast table holding up a sign that said


I rushed over to them and gave every single one of them a ginormous hug. I was so happy that I barely noticed all the different kinds of breakfast foods sitting in the table. My mouth watered just from looking at them.

"So who made this? I know it wasn't Luke or Ashton." I cheekily said as I giggled. They both rolled their eyes. "Actually Calum made it." Michael piped up.

I saw Calum go a dark shade of red. It was kind of hard to see him blush since he has such dark fair skin. "Awwww thanks Cal." I say hugging then kissing him on the cheek. He turned even redder than I thought was possible.

"Thank you guys for everything." I say as I finished my extrude art breakfast. "I might have found someone who is a better cook than me." I smile and put my hand on Calum's shoulder.

Then the doorbell rang. "YAYY she's here!" I sang as I rushed to go open the door. "Selena!" I yell as I hug her tightly. "Alyssa!" She mimics and we both laugh. "Come in I want to introduce you to my friends.

The boys were looking at me weirdly. Tuen Luke's face lit up ,and he laughed. "Your the girl Alyssa bumped into at the Café." He giggled. He walked up and shook her hand warmly. "Hi I'm Luke the awkwardest one of the bunch." Luke cheekily said.

Then he came and stood by me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I love it when he does this.

"I'm Calum the most good looking of the group." He chuckles and waves.

"I'm Michael the weirdest of the gang." He smiles and waves.

It was now Ashton's turn to introduce himself,but he just stood there. His eyes went big. Selena looked over at Ashton and her eyes grew. After minutes of awkward silence Ashton walked away.

"I'll go..." Luke says but I cut him off. "No Luke I'll go see what's up." I say boding my head.While the boys give Selena the tour of the house, I go and look for Ashton.

I finally found him in the practice room in the basement. He was sitting on the couch with his face in his hands.

I sat down next to him and rubbed his back. "Ashton is everything ok?" I say with worry. "N-NNO." Is all he could manage to say. "Ashton why didn't you introduce yourself to Selena?"

"She knows who I am.." He muttered quietly. It took me by surprise. "How do you two know each other?"
He turned to face me,and explained everything. I was in complete shock. I felt bad for him.

"Shhh...shhhh it's okay Ash. Me and the lads will help you through this. We will make this work. "There is always rain before the rainbow." I whisper in his ear as I hold him close.
"Thank you, but you can't tell the lads. They don't know about Selena, and I don't want them to." He said as I'm hugging him. I pull away. "Okay Ash, I understand."

To be honest I don't understand. But it's his choice not mine. Plus he is like a brother to me. I will do anything for him.

"You ready to head up stairs?" I asked making sure he was okay. He nodded and we went back to join the boys and Selena. Once Selena saw Ashton her eyes went soft.

"Ashton?" Her eyes were soft and sorrowful. "Selena" he says nodding his head. He had a small frown on his face. He looked like he was about to cry again.

I put my hand on his back to try to soothe him. He looked at me,nodded,and gave me a small smile. I really hope things turn out okay.

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