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Ashton's POV.


Selena and I had finished our anniversary breakfast, and now we are sitting on the couch watching 'How I Meet Your Mother." She was focussed on the screen,but I however was not paying attention.

All I could do was stare at how beautiful she was ,even if she was just in my Green Day shirt and her underwear. She looks so damn good in my clothes.

I couldn't help but cuddle her closer to me and kiss the top of her head. She peeled her eyes away from the screen and looked up at me. "So Ash what do you have planned for today?" She questioned turning her head to the left slightly.

"That baby girl is a surprise." I say as I giggle like a teenage girl. I hate my giggle and laughs. It's not as masculine as I want it to be.

"I love your giggles Ash." She says as she kisses my nose. I swear she can hear my thoughts. "I love you princess." I say as my cheeks turn a faint pink. "I love you too Ash, never forget that." She says as she focuses her attention back towards our favorite show.

She has been saying this ever since I saw her crying yesterday. What's up? I need to ask her now,before I take her out to dinner. I'm going to take her to her favorite Restaurant. Nothing fancy, but not fast food either. I'll be taking her to Olive Garden.

Then I'm gonna give her her gift. I hope she likes and accepts it.

"Umm..Princess.." I say with hesitation. She sits up and turns to face me on the couch. "What's wrong Ash?" She said confused. "Well..nothing..I just wanted to know the reason to why you were crying yesterday. It hurt me to see you so sad princess. Please you can tell me anything."

Sincerity was clear in my voice as I looked her in her beautiful emerald green eyes.

"Ash..I..I..," but before she could finish she took off and ran up the stairs and into our shared bedroom. I then heard the faint sobs. Was it something I said?

I jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Princess please open up. What did I do? Was it something I said? Selena please open up baby girl." Without notice I too began to cry.

I'm not one to cry often unless I'm really hit at home. Seeing Selena so sad and hurt, well was like a kick in the heart.

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that Selena had opened the door.

I scanned her body, her cheeks were stained with tears,her eyes red and bloodshot from crying, her hair was a mess,and she no longer had her glasses on. But she couldn't be any more beautiful in my eyes.

"Princess what's wr..." She cut me off," just come in Ash. I need to tell you something." She had tears swelling up in her eyes. She said the last part in a low squeak. What's wrong with my baby girl?

I sat down on our bed more confused than I ever was. She sat be side me with her hand in her lap. She was shaking some and was constantly taking deep breathes. She was about to releases a fresh batch of salty tears.

I grabbed her hands and brought her closer to me, but she pulled away. Now I'm hurt, but more confused to why she pulled away from me. She could tell this, so she decided to speak.

"Ash..I...I umm," she hesitated with a shaky breathe,"I think we should break up." She said quickly. It took me a minute to register what she had just said. Then it clicked.

"What?" Is all I could manage out, it was no more than a whisper. Now it was my turn to cry. "Why? Why are you breaking up with me?" I half yelled as I stood up and looked down at her as she sat on the bed. "I..its..n-not you..i..its me Ash." She said as she gasped for air and let the tears fall.

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