CH. 35

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Luke's POV.

The setting around me vanished as quickly as it came. I was once again back at the hospital, sitting upon the same over stuffed couch. The girl that sat before me slowly pulled her hand off my forehead and placed it in her lap.

Tears brimmed my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I wish I couldn't feel, it would be a lot less painful. I looked into the young girl's eyes, them saying and tying together the rest of the information that I needed.

She was Alyssa's older sister Miranda, and she was Murdered by the same man I saw leave Alyssa's house the day we first meet.

The question was, who was this man, and what else has he done?
1 month Later
(Since Alyssa's last POV.)

Alyssa's POV.

It been a long horrible month since the incident with Luke. He's still in the hospital, still unconscious. I felt...dull, lifeless even. Like all the light and energy has been drained from my petite body.

A month without Luke, and it's eating me up inside. I was currently sitting in a chair beside Luke's bed. Thankfully I was alone, so no one could see me cry.

I looked at Luke. Took in all his features that I loved about him. His little nose, his lips, his scruff around his face due to it not being shaved. Everything. He was perfect in my eyes. He always will be.

I rested my shaking hand on top of his cold, colorless one. Then took it in my hand, slowly moving my thumb side to side, like a mother would to try to soothe her discouraged child.

I scooted up a little closer to Luke, leaned down to his ear, and whispered," Hey Luke, it's been awhile. I miss you so much. I don't know if you can hear me, but.." I cleared my throat to prevent my voice from cracking any further," Luke Robert Hemmings, I'm deeply in love with you. You're my light, my pride and joy, I wouldn't be able to handle this shit hole we call earth if you weren't here. I know if Miranda were here...she would love you. I know she would. I miss her so much. I miss you. Please stay with me. Please come out of this coma."

I didn't know what else to say, I just let the tears fall for the millionth time in the last month. As much as I love Luke, I know he is probably uncomfortable, but I know he is fighting. So I leaned down once again an whispered," Luke I love you so much, I don't want you to be in pain, I don't want you to leave me can let go. I wish I could say I love you to you when you're awake, it's just..."

I couldn't finish. I put my head in my hands and weeped. Being once again over whelmed with the situation. I was interrupted by the door creaking open. It was Cal.

I gave him a small smile, even a smirk that small took all my will power to hold. He pulled up a chair next to me and pulled me into his arms. We just looked at each other, then back to Luke.

I wiped my tears to try to seem strong, a routine of mine that I don't know if I could keep withholding. As I was about to say something, an ear splitting beep filled the room. Doctors rushed in in a matter of minutes, causing me and Cal to be escorted out of the room harshly.

I stood looking at Luke's hospital room door, too shocked to fully wrap my head around what was happening. Right as it hit me, Cal came up to me and pulled me into a bear hug as he let me cry my heart out.

I felt my shirt getting wet and that's when I knew I wasn't the only one crying. Within a matter of seconds we both drop to the floor still in one another's arms, sobbing to our hearts' content.

Yet for me, from this situation, from my love for Luke, from the hate towards myself, From the sympathy for my best friends and Luke's family, my heart will never be content.

Not without my penguin. Not without my sunshine. Not without my lover. Not without Luke Hemmings.

( A.N: Hey Penguins, sorry for this super short chapter. I know it's been a LOONNGG time since I last updated and I wanted to apologize. A lot has been going on lately. I will update super soon to make it up to you guys. Tell me what you think and don't be afraid to comment where you want the story to go. Who knows I might pick it and use it as inspiration for the next chapter😜! Love you guys and stay beautiful❤️)

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