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Alyssa's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes to let them adjust to the sunlight that was now streaming through my window. It was Saturday, and I have basically no plans for today,so I'm just gonna go with the flow.
I looked at my alarm clock by my bedside and it read 1:00 p.m. I was exhausted from all that occurred last night. I slowly rolled out of bed and made my way to my closet to find what I was gonna wear today.
Since I have nothing better to do, I decided that I was just gonna go to the park to get some fresh air. Therefore I settled on wearing faded blue jean shorts, a yellow Holter top ,and a black beret. Not the best sense of style ,but hey what can I say? I'm way different than your typical teenage girl.

I slipped on some black converse and made my way out of my bedroom. I went down stairs and grabbed my wallet. Before I could leave I noticed someone sitting at the table. It was my brother Tristen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked completely shocked. He was never home. Hell, he has his own flat a couple blocks away.
"Just stopped by to say hello sis, is that such a crime?"
"Well no but you aren't usually home...but I'm glad to see you!" I ran into his arms. I kinda missed my big bro. Yes he was annoying and smelly and everything,but I love him.
"I missed you too, so how about you and me go out? Have a little brother sister day?" He said with a laugh.
"Yeah, I was actually just headed to the park..want to come?"
" Haha sounds fun,I'm in."
We walked out of they door and headed towards the park. This will be fun! I miss spending time with my brother. We were so close as kids. Then when we started growing up..I don't know I guess we started drifting apart. He started doing his thing, and I started to do mine.
Luke's POV.

It was now 12:00 p.m, and I was just now waking up from my slumber. I through on some sweats and headed down stairs. I'm not even gonna bother putting on a shirt. Yesterday's event kept replaying in my head. Who was that guys,and what was he talking about?
I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by my mum. I then got myself some cereal and went to go sit on the couch.
"So Luke did you go apologize to Alyssa yesterday?" My mum asked with a questioning look."Ugh,no." I can't tell her about what I saw yesterday. I'll have to cover it up. "Well I mean, I went over there and knocked a couple times,but she never answered. She must have been asleep."
"Oh well okay. You will apologize to her today then." "Okay mum." I said reassuring her.
Once I finished eating my breakfast, I decided to watch an episode of ' How I meet your Mother.'
After it was over I looked at the time and it was 12:50. Well,I have nothing to do today, so I guess I'll go exploring. I quickly went upstairs to change. I was now wearing ripped black jeans with an All Time Low band tee. I slipped on some black converse and went downstairs. I grabbed my phone and headed out the front door. Well this shall be an adventure.

After about 30 minutes of walking around the suburban city, I came across a park. Being the childish fellow I am, I decided I would swing on the swings. As I was headed to wear all memories are made, I couldn't help but notice 2 boys about 13 picking on another boy that looked to be their age as well. Both the boys pushed the more awkward boy to the ground,and that's where it crossed the line. I quickly ran over there. I was now towering over the two menacing looking kids.

"What do you think you are doing?" I said. I was trying to hold my anger back before I did something I would regret.
"Ugh nothing..he just fell and we were seeing if he was okay." He lied as he put on a fake innocent smile. The kid on the ground was quiet. He didn't look up at me, and he didn't speak. I then noticed he was wearing a GreenDay t-shirt. He had dirty blond hair and he was a bit lanky for his age. I then saw that he had bruises covering his arms,legs,and some in his face. His knee was scraped a bit as well. After seeing that I blew up.
"Hell that's what happened! Give me one good reason why this is okay! To pick on someone that is different from you! He has feelings too you know! He is a damn human being and you shouldn't be pushing him around like he is nothing! How would you like it if you were in his position Huh?!" I was fuming. I couldn't just let this happen to a kid.

The two boys were acting tough. Like they didn't even care about what I had said.
"Whatever. He isn't even worth our time. He is a fag and always will be." One of the boys said with a straight expression on his face. That shocked me. How can someone be so cruel? I couldn't say anything. The boy smiled devilishly knowing that he had won.

What happened next I did not expect. I couldn't control myself. I slapped the kid in the face. He was taken back by it. Hell I was taken back by it! I never want to hit him! I was just so mad at what he was saying and doing! After that happened I heard my name screamed from behind me.

I turned around and shocked at who I saw standing there. It was Alyssa. I could see she was shocked and fuming with anger. She must have seen what had just happened. Of course with my luck she probably didn't hear or see what had happened earlier. Fuck what will she think of me now. I have no clue what will happen next.

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