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Luke's POV.

After what seemed like hours of awkward silence Alyssa spoke up.
"Well it was nice to meet you Liz." She said with a grin plastered on her face as she shook my mum's hand. I could tell the smile was a bit fake. As if she was hiding something.
"It was nice to meet you too Alyssa. I apologize for my son, I don't understand why he isn't talking," my mum said as she once again glared at me. I hate it when she does that. She is like staring into my soul." He is usually so talkative..."

"It's okay Mrs.Hemmings...I mean Liz, I guess I'll see you around." Alyssa says with a sad smile that she tried to keep hidden.My mum obviously didn't see it,but I sure did. As she was about to walk away, she turned and faced me.

"Oh and by Luke." She said as she nodded.Well I made that awkward.

As we saw her disappear into her house, I felt a hand hit the back of my head. "Ow!" I said clearly taken back.
"Why didn't you say anything to her Luke? You were being very disrespectful! She seems like a nice girl. Sometime tonight I want you to go over and apologize to her."
I was about to open my mouth and say something but my mum beat me to it.
"And no buts mister" she said pointing a finger at me. She then disappeared into the house.
I then dragged my lazy ass back up into my room of solitude. Aka my bedroom. It was only 8:30 so I decided to take a shower.
Once I got out I threw on a band t and some sweats since I knew I would have to go over to Alyssa's and apologize for my behavior, and I'm not going over their in my boxers,what I usually wear to bed. I grabbed my phone and put it on shuffle. The first song that came on was BackSeat Serenade by All Time Low, the best band known to man.
After about an hour and a half of music, I decided to go over to Alyssa's.
I grabbed my phone and jogged down stairs and walked out the door. Quietly closing it behind me so my parents wouldn't wake. As I was about to enter her front yard, I saw what looked like a tall figure knocking at her door. I quickly ducked under some bushes that were near me and looked around to see if he saw me...he didn't.

He kept knocking. Then I heard a faint scream yelling "Im coming!" And with that the door opened. The man then aggressively pushed his way through her dragging her along. I walked towards the front door and put my ear up to it so I could hear what they were talking about. I know I shouldn't be eaves dropping, but I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. After about 10 minutes of standing there my fucking phone went off. I looked at it and it was Calum calling me. I had a Mocking Jay ringtone for when he called since he is completely obsessed with the movie. Only because Jennifer Lawrence stars in it and let me tell you, the guy is head over heels in love with her.
I heard movement in the house and ducked behind some bushes. Luckily no one came out, but I heard a loud thump from inside. I was worried. As I was about to head my way up to the door to knock, I heard the back door open. I once again hid behind the same bushes I've been hiding in all night. I then saw the same man walk past me mumbling something. All I could make out is "I will finish what I started." And bits and pieces of words like Caterpillar..and Miranda.. But other than that I heard nothing.

Who is Miranda? And why did he say Caterpillar? Is he like into insects or something?

Once the coast was clear I decided to go back home. I would apologize to her her tomorrow.

Once I got to my room I stripped down to my boxers and slid under the covers of my bed. Today has been a long day.


I opened my eyes ,but I wasn't in my room. I was in my old classroom back in Australia.
I was the only one in the room.
I decided to get up from my seat and investigate what all was going on. I opened the door that led to the hall. Once I walked out, I was no longer at school, but at Aleisha's house. Why am I here? What is happening?
I was standing in front of her bedroom door. I slowly turned the knob of the door and opened it. There I saw her making out with my ex best friend Chase.
All my emotions took control and I pushed open the door screaming and crying, " Aleisha what are you doing!? STOP STOP!! Don't you love me?! Do I mean nothing to you!!" After that I could barely talk. I just sat there weeping. Yet, they still carried on. Like I wasn't even there.

My heart kept shattering and I couldn't take seeing her do this anymore. I grabbed the gun that I conveniently found in her drawer and put it against my head. The cool metal cooling down my warm sweating head. I then pulled the trigger...but not before I whispered "I love you..."
My eyes flew open and my face was stained with tears.I was still shaking. What happened? I then felt something wet on my forehead. It was a cold cloth.

I didn't even realize my mum was sitting by my bed side.
"Sweetie you had a bad dream..we could here you crying and screaming." My mum said as she stroked my arm.
Was that all just a dream? Well a nightmare. Damn it..they are getting worse. I've had the same repeated nightmares over and over for the past 6 months. Ever since the incident occurred.
Once I felt my heart begin to beat at a normal pace, I told my mum that I was okay and put my head back down on my pillow. I looked at the clock and it was 4:30 a.m. It was still way to early to get up. So I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. After what felt like hours, I let sleep take over my body.

( A/N: comment what you thought about the chapter! And for all of you who actually took the time to read this...THANK YOU! I actually didn't think anyone would want to read this. Considering all the other fabulously written Luke fanfictions that are out there. Please vote as well! Night loves
:-* )

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