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Luke's POV.

Today was the day. The day that I started my first day of school. My first day as a Junior at MillCreek High. Alyssa and I made plans to meet at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus actually came.

I walked from my bedroom to my bath room and started to run the water for my shower. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something glistening in the waste basket beside the toilet. It sparkles like a crystal. I picked up the thin piece of metal and held it between two of my fingers. The metal felt like ice against my warm skin.

FlashBack* (1 week ago)

I couldn't take it anymore. All the hate, the heartbreak, everyone was leaving me. No one is here for me anymore. The hate makes it much worse. I can't believe I'm Millions of miles away from my best friends. Millions of miles away from my life line, the people that had my back no matter what.

I could feel a fresh batch of tears forming in my eyes. Within seconds they were streaming down my red cheeks. I couldn't take this anymore. The pain is too much. I don't deserve to be in the band. I'm just holding them back. I'm a loser kid that has nothing. I bet the lads are ecstatic that I'm gone for good. I bet they were only acting to be nice to me.

What are you talking about Luke? The lads care for you, you can't deny that! No they don't they fucking think I'm a lost cause. I'm not important to anybody,the lads,Aleisha, my family, I'm nothing.

I walk to my bathroom and lock the door. I then pick up a small ,thin,silver piece of metal and hold it in my right hand. Without hesitation I bring the blade to my wrists and slide the blade onto my skin. Once the blade punctured through my skin I felt a pain sensation, but ignored the pain that I was causing myself. I deserve it.

I now have 4 more cuts on both of my wrists. There is now about 9 on each. I then cry harder. I'm so weak. I'm a pathetic human being. The only one who knows I self harm is Calum. We have been friends since I could remember.

I watched my arm as blood slowly began to trickle down both arms. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Luke, I need help unloading the last truck full of stuff. Come outside once you are done in the bathroom. Oh and don't forget to put the seat down! You always forget." Mum said through the locked door. I'm glad she couldn't see me, cause then she would obviously see that I'm not using the bathroom. "Okay mum I'll be right out." I said as cheerfully as I could.

Then with that I heard her go back down stairs. The I heard the front door creak open, then shut. I let out a breathe that I didn't realize I was holding in. I cleaned up the bloody cuts, that we're definitely gonna leave scars. I unlocked the door and went to my room to throw on a sweatshirt. I then exited my bedroom and headed downstairs to help my mum unload.

End of FlashBack*

I hadn't realized that I had been crying until I liked i to the mirror. My eyes were a bit puffy, and there were tears staining my cheeks. I liked away from the Mirror and hopped into the shower.
I'm supposed to meet Alyssa at the bus stop in about 10 minutes. I was currently wearing a short sleeve Busted shirt,with black ripped jeans,and black vans. I also had slipped about 10 band bracelets around each of my wrists. It's a daily thing for me to wear bracelets, 1) they look cool,and 2) they cover up my scars. I then went to the mirror and looked at my hair.

I may be a guy but I take pride in how my hair looks. It takes me about an hour to get it precisely how I want it. My hair was currently up in a quiff. It takes a lot of effort to get my hair like this,but In The end it is worth it.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had 5 minutes till I had to meet Alyssa. I grabbed my earbuds and my backpack and headed downstairs. My mum was now at work since today was her first day. She had told me that it pays much better than her old one back in Australia, even though she goes to work at 5 a.m and doesn't come home until like 10 at night. She is a nurse by the way, so she works long hours.

I didn't have time to eat breakfast so I snagged a granola bar on the way out the door. It was bit cold outside. I wasn't used to it being cold in October, or any month really. It was always warm in Australia, with the occasional rain. I walked to where Alyssa said the bus stop was supposed to be. I didn't look like Alyssa was here yet so,I waited. Seeing tag to obviously couldn't do anything else since it was the bus stop.

I then heard the faint smacking of sneakers against the pavement. I turned to the left and saw that Alyssa was jogging towards me, maths book in hand.

"I'" She said in between breathes. I could tell she ran as quickly as possible to get there on time.
"It's no big deal." I said with a chuckle. I could tell she was still panting a bit,but then she stopped and spoke," So you excited for your first day? It's really not that bad..." I could tell that she was lying. I've noticed in the short period of time that I've known her that she bites either her lip or the inside of her cheek when she is lying. I'm guessing it's just a bad habit of hers.

I decided to brush it off and answer her question," Um I guess, more nervous than excited. I don't know anyone besides you." Once I said it I knew I said that wrong. "Not that that's a bad thing I love hanging out with you." I said quickly hoping she doesn't take it like the way I thought she would.

"It's okay Luke," she said with a smile," I knew what you meant,and I don't have any friends at this school besides you either." She lightly chuckled. I could see some hurt in her eyes. As I was about to say something, the roaring of an engine stopped me.

Alyssa and I both turned our heads to the left to see that the bus was headed our way. "You ready?" Alyssa asked with a small smile. " As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed. I hope this day doesn't turn out for the worst.

(A/N: Hellooo everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I haven't had much time to write, but I promise you when I can i will! Please follow me if you hadn't already, and it will be greatly appreciated if you could tell people about this book and my account! Once this book is completed I will either start a sequel to this one, or write another book. I'm not quite sure yet. Byeee loves)

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