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Luke's POV.

She ran and ran. Obviously me and the lads chased after her,but I was a second too late. She closed the door and I heard the latch lock.

What the hell just happened? She was fine on the bus. We were all laughing. I thought we were all having a pretty good time, well besides me anyways.

I wonder what got her upset. "Okay, she is obviously upset ,and we need to find out why." I felt like I was about to tear up. I hate knowing Alyssa is in an emotional state ,and I can't do anything about it.

"We can't do much right now," Ashton started," so maybe we can try to help her again tomorrow. Maybe she just needs time to cool down and think. We all get that way sometimes." Ashton sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

Maybe he's right. She probably just needs time to breathe.
It's now 10:00 p.m ,and I still haven't gotten a text or a call from Alyssa. I'm really worried about her. She always seemed so happy and full of life, but obviously that's all she lets me see.

My day like Alyssa's hasn't been so happy and cheerful either. Alyssa knew I was upset. She saw right through my act of being happy. I guess it takes one that is sad to know one who is.

It all started in P.E

I walked into the locker rooms, and the door behind me closed with a loud 'THUMP'. Everyone's heads turned toward me. I walked to my assigned locker that Coach Wembley gave me.

I could feel the heat of their glares on my back. I pulled off my shirt and jeans and replaced them with a muscle shirt and shorts. I hate wearing shorts, my legs look so lanky when I do.

I walked out of the locker room with all the other guys. On my way out, someone stuck out their leg causing me to fall. I fell with a loud thump to the ground. The wind was knocked out of me. So I couldn't breathe all that well.

Once I finally caught my breathe, I looked up and saw 3 guys towering over me. I stood up. I was clearly taller than these arses,but they were clearly stronger than me.

"I hear you have been hanging out with Alyssa Sawyer." He says through his teeth. What the fuck is this guys problem? "Yes I have, what does it mean to you anyway?" I was mad yet embarrassed at the same time.

"She is my girlfriend you arse!" He yelled pushing me back,but this time, I didn't fall. " she's not. She doesn't have a boyfriend,and why would she even go out with an arse like you?"

I have no clue where all this courage and bravery is coming from. I'm just full of surprises I guess.

He stepped up to me, and this guy clearly doesn't know what personal space is. He chuckled," You really don't have a clue do you? Alyssa is just using you. You are her puppet. You mean nothing to her ,so back off, she's mine."

He shoved me back once again and walked outside towards the track. I stood up,"Who the hell are you anyway?" I yelled. He chuckled," I'm Brent." Then he left.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe she lied to me. I bet she was using me and the lads. Alyssa wouldn't do that, would she? I mean I've only known her for 4 days.

Yet, I feel like I've known her for years. I don't want this to end like Aleisha. The tears were know much as I wanted them to stop they couldn't.

I'm gonna ask Alyssa about this. I can't jump to conclusions. That's what has cost me Aleisha a couple times,but my conclusions ended up true.

Alyssa isn't like Aleisha you dimwit! She is kind,sweet ,and caring. That's exactly what you said about Aleisha at the beginning of your relationship you idiot. But me and Alyssa aren't in a relationship. We are just friends. I don't even know if I like her like that, do I?

My own mind is killing me. I'm just gonna let Alyssa explain. I can't loose my new best friend.

*End Of FlashBack*
Alyssa's POV.

I haven't been to school since Monday, it's Friday, and I yet again decided to stay home. I don't want to confront Luke of the lads, and I definitely don't want to see Kenzie. Luke has probably been snogging her the whole time he was here. I wouldn't be surprised if he left me and went to her.

But we aren't even dating you idiot. Plus he would never want to be with a girl like you. You're fat,ugly,and awkward. Kenzie is right, he deserves much better than me.

I thought I cried myself dry, but obviously I haven't. The tears started to come again, and once again I couldn't blink them back like I usually did.

I'm sick of crying, I'm sick of feeling weak.
I was in my room on my laptop when I heard the roaring of the bus' engine outside. I looked out my window to see a familiar tall,blonde,blue eyed boy and the rest of the lads walking amongst the side walk. I huffed and plopped back down on my bed.

Why must my life be,so screwed up and shitty?

Then I heard a familiar ringing sound throughout the house. It was the doorbell. I groaned and covered my ears. I honestly didn't want to talk to anyone right now,but the bell kept on ringing. After the 15th ring of the god damn doorbell I gave in and walked downstairs. It's probably Luke being an arse.

I flew open the door," okay Luke I don't want to se.." But it wasn't Luke who was at the front door. It was a man dressed in a dark navy blue uniform and a sliver badge pinned to his left shoulder. "Oh I'm sorry officer, but why are you here?" Im pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong. I bet it was Tristen again.

He usually always gets drunk with his roommate and heads out. The cops usually return him to us to keep him out of trouble. I looked around, but Tristen was no where to be seen. So what's going on?

"Are you Mrs.Alyssa Sawyer?" He asked with a frown. I don't like where this is going. "Yes I am?" It came out more like a question then a statement.
"What's going on?" I was more than a little confused by this point.

"Is it about my brother? Is he at the station again? I'm sorry if he is, he is always getting into trouble and..." But he cut me off. "No mam this isn't about your brother." He says looking at his feet.

"Then who's it about?" My voice was shaking. What the hell is happening?
"Mrs.Sawyer," he says with a pause," it''s about your parents." My parents? What the hell did my parents do? "I'm sorry, but sadly they won't be returning home to you and your brother,they're gone."

With that I realized what had happened . They are gone forever. I won't ever see them again. My parents are dead. The last thing I could think was Why? Then everything went black.

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