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Alyssa's POV.

The last couple of weeks have been hectic. The day that me and Luke made up was the day that Luke took me to band practice. Let me just say they are amazing! Actually no, that would be an understatement. They are phenomenal!

I had no idea they had such great voices, especially Luke. They had played a cover of "I Miss You" by Blink-182. They sang with such emotion it actually made me tear up. It reminded me of how much I missed Luke when we weren't speaking for a week. I know he only thinks of us as best friends, but I do love him. No one has ever come back for me, Ever.

Today is March,19. Which means I have to go to the court house with my brother to see what my parents left in their will(I'm sorry I don't really know where you go to see someone's will).

Tristen and I walked into the court house and we were greeted by many men dressed in suites and women dressed in blouses and pencil skirts.

"Ah you must be Mr. And Ms. Sawyer. Come come. Let's see what your parents have left for you." A man said way to happily. He must really love his job.

"Okay Mr.Sawyer you will inherit all your parents valuables and saving in their accounts and in the house. Along with the house it's self and the car." "Yes!" Tristen yelled way too excitedly. Everyone turned to look at him. Of course he loves the attention.

"Oh and Ms. Sawyer let's see...." He paused then knitted his eyebrows together." My deepest apologies Ms. But it seems that your parents have left you out of their will all together." With that, my heart sunk. What kind of parents are they! How could they leave me nothing! Nothing!

I was freaking out. All I have are my possessions and 20 dollars I saved from watching a dog. I no longer have a home. I'm homeless. I could feel tears swell up in my eyes. I tried blinking them away, but it didn't work. One by one hundreds of tears were streaming down my cheeks.

I don't know what to do. For once I'm completely and utterly lost. I ran out of the court room and went outside for some fresh air. That didn't help. I was still basically hyperventilating. I'm only 16 I can't live on my own, and even if I could I wouldn't have enough money for a apartment let alone a house!

This pain is unbearable. On a scale of 1-10 though,it's a 9. I'm saving my 10. I called the person that is closest to me. Luke.
Luke's POV.
Me and the lads were down in my basement rehearsing. Normally, Alyssa would be over to watch, but she had to go to the court house to see what her parents have left her. I'm wondering what they left her as well.

Me and the lads just recorded our own original song," Gotta Get Out" and it was pretty good. I had my mum record us since she was back from work early.

We posted it on YouTube about and hour ago and it already has over a quarter of a million views! It's sick how many fans we have. I'm grateful to every single one of them too.

"So, you and Alyssa..?" Michael says wiggling his eyebrows. Not this again. "Michael me and Alyssa are just friends. Plus she probably doesn't feel the same way.." I said while looking down at my hands. "Ah Ha! So you do like her! I knew it! Ashton you owe me 5 bucks!" Michael says jumping up and down as he waved his hand in front of Ashton to collect his money.

Ashton pulled out his wallet and handed Michael a 5 dollar bill. "You gust made a bet on me?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "We sure did." Michael says cheerfully as he once again started to tune his guitar.

"Okay, so maybe I do like her. I just don't know if she feels the same way..." I was about to continue when I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and it Read; (Alyssa🐧)

It made me laugh. She is seriously obsessed with Penguins. Soon I bet I will be too. They are actually very fascinating creatures.

I pressed Accept and the first thing I heard was crying.

"Alyssa what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No Luke, I'm not." She said in between sniffles,"I...I.." She started to cry again.

"Alyssa calm down love, where are you? I'll come pick you up."

"I'm at Mulberry Park, I'm sitting on the bench near the fountian." She cried. Hearing her like this really does break my heart. I hate hearing her so broken. I dong know how I will compose myself if I SEE her broken. It will probably break me.
"Okay love I'm on my way. Stay put."

"Luke.." She said while taking deep breathes," I need you." I once again could hear her cry. That is what shattered my heart into a million different pieces,but at the same time I'm happy that she turns to me in time of distress.

"I'll see you in 10 okay?

"Okay" with that she hung up. I turned to the lads and I could tell they were all confused and a little bit worried. "Alyssa needs my help, I'm not sure what's happened but I'm going to go pick her up at Mulberry Park.I'll be back" they all nodded.

I walked up the stairs onto the main floor. I grabbed Ashton's keys, since I didn't have my own car, and headed towards the park. I hope she is alright.
Alyssa's POV.

I got off the phone with Luke about 8 minutes ago. He should be here any minute. I'm glad he offered to pick me up, but I'm also afraid he will leave once he sees the state I'm in .

My makeup is all smeared, it looked like I jumped into a pool with it on. My shirt consisted of makeup and tears. And my jeans had dirt at the knees from when I sat on my knees in the grass and weeped. Luckily, no one was around the area I was in.

I heard my name being called out in the far distance. Even from far away I could tell that the person calling out my name was Luke. I could see his dirty blonde hair and his long legs from here. As he got closer to where I was I could see him more clearly.

He was wearing his usual black jeans, but this time he wore a sweatshirt, since it's pretty cold outside from this mornings rain. It was starting to get dark.

"Love you okay?" Luke says as he pulls me into a hug. We had sat down onto the bench.

"Luke, my parents," I hiccuped, then shakily proceeded with what had happened," They..they didn't leave me in their will." Then came the raging river of tears once again." They left everything to Tristen. Even the house. I have nowhere to stay, all I have are the possessions in my room. No food,roof over my head,water,or money. My future is ruined!"

I sobbed into Luke's shoulder. I still can't believe this is happening to me. Why did this have to happen to me? What have I done to deserve this.

"Shh..shh." Luke hushed into my ear as he traced circles into my back as he had once again brought me into his arms. "Everything is gonna be okay love, I promise."

"How do you know Luke? You can't see the future."

"No, I can't, but I can shape it. I'm more than happily willing to let you stay in the spare room we have in my house. You can live with us Alyssa. Everything is gonna be okay." He said while looking into my eyes.

I could tell that he meant what he had said. He was gonna look out for me. He was gonna protect me. He wasn't lying. His eyes were full of sadness, sincerity ,and hope.

All I could do is nod. I was overwhelmed with so many emotions that I didn't know what to do. I found my self cuddling up into his chest and placed my head side ways into his shoulder. He then wrapped his arms around my torso and traced circles into my back once again.

I felt safe in Luke's arms, like nothing could hurt me. It was me and him against the world, even if we were just Best friends. I can't help but want us to be more than friends though.

I cleared my head of the thought of me and Luke ever being together and focussed on Luke. I had looked up into his crystal clear blue eyes. We held each other's gazes for what seemed like forever. I then rested my head onto his chest and closed my eyes

"Thank you." Is all I could say before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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