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Alyssa's POV.

I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the light. I heard 2 voices speaking, one was close and was was a bit farther away. I didn't move cause they didn't know I was awake.

I then processed that the two voices were owned by Luke and Ashton.

"Morning Mate." Luke said tiredly
"Morning Lover Boy?" Ashton replied back. Lover Boy?

A few minutes had gone by and I was just about to get up when I felt a presence get closer to me. I then felt a pair of lips firmly press against my fore head. Then I heard Luke whisper," Morning Princess." In my ear.

I'm pretty sure he thought I was asleep. So I thought I would play the part. I closed my eyes and moved a bit. Then I went back to laying still.

During my little acting montage, I ended up falling back asleep in Luke's arms.

I woke up in my bed. I pulled my hands up to my eyes and tried to rub the tiredness from them. I had realized that I was still in my clothes from yesterday ,so I quickly changed into some grey sweats and a white tank top.

I walked out of my room to the scent of burning eggs and toast. I scurried to the kitchen and saw Luke and Ashton attempting to make breakfast.

I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore. I randomly bursted out laughing which definitely made the boys jump.

"Jesus Christ Alyssa you almost made me shit my pants." Ashton huffed as he gripped the counter and chuckled.

"Alyssa you almost gave me a heart attack." Luke said dramatically as he put his hand over his heart.

I rolled my eyes at their reactions and walked towards the burning smell. "So what exactly happened here?" I giggled pointing to the burning eggs and toast. How the hell do you burn toast?

"Well...Ummm." Luke hummed scratching the back of his neck. I could tell that anytime he does this that he is nervous. Just a bad habit of his I guess. Like me biting my lip.

Ashton stopped him from speaking.

"Okay this cliché blonde headed boy that you see before you thought it would be a good idea to cook a curly,brunette, that we all adore, breakfast in bed. Luke can't cook though, so he asked me to help. He ended up burning the eggs, and I got sucked into this tv show ,and I burnt the toast and voila this is what happened." Ashton said cheekily.

I laughed even harder. "Alyssa it's not funny." Luke pouted as he stuck out his bottom lip. I swear he looked like a lost puppy. "Awww, don't be sad Luke," I say engulfing him in a hug," I knew you meant well, but seriously we all know you can't cook." I laughed as I hit his chest playfully.

He chuckled. "Well not everyone can cook as good as you." Luke laughed as he messed up my hair as he walked passed me and Into the living room.

"Luuuuke, I groaned as I frustratedly tried to fix my hair,but it was no use. I decided just to put my hair in a pony tail instead.

"Allyyyssssaaa." I heard Luke mimic my frustrated tone. "Oh my god your such a dork." I yelled playfully at him.

Since my breakfast was cruelly killed by those two weirdos, I decided to just make myself a bowl of cereal; FruitLoops! I love FruitLoops they are the best kind of cereal in the whole damn universe.

Once I finished my "Healthy" breakfast I went to go join the lads in the living room. Michael was on the recliner playing some zombie game on his phone, Calum was also on his phone scrolling through Twitter, Luke and Ashton the the other hand were watching How I Meet Your Mother.

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