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Calum's POV.

Luke took Alyssa's hand and escorted her out of the restaurant. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of Luke. I want to find a girl like Alyssa,if not I want Alyssa to be mine.

Selena, Alyssa's new friend that we meet only today, was sitting across from me at the table. Mack sat next to her, Ash sat next to me,then Michael was next to Ash.

Selena was very beautiful. I couldn't help but feel that her and Ash know each other though. Probably not,I mean Ash,Michael,and I just moved her about a month ago to be closer to Luke,so most likely not.

When I saw Alyssa and Selena walk out of Alyssa's bedroom, I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping to the floor,and by the looks of things, neither could the other lads.They looked beautiful and hot at the same time.

The way Luke looked at Alyssa can tell that he really does like her. His mood can go from sad to happy just at the mention of her name.

I know now that I can't interfere with his happiness. I wouldn't want him to interfere with mine if I had something like that. Plus, Luke and I are like brothers.

I was dragged out of my thoughts from the mention of my name. "Calum?" Ashton said chuckling. "Huh, what?" I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Dude stop zoning out," he chucked once again, "I'm taking Mack back to the house to show her around more,and Michael said that he needs to go home. So, We wanted to know if you were okay with staying here with Selena?"

If I wasn't blushing before..I am now. "Ugh..I..umm..y-yeah that's f-fine." I stuttered stupidly. I looked at Selena and saw that she was giggling at my reaction. She tried to hide her faintly pink cheeks with her hands, but it did t exactly work.

"Okaaayyy." Ashton said rolling his eyes. Well I'll see you tomorrow at school. Once Im done showing Mack around the house, I'll head home, since she drove here." Ashton says in one breathe.

"Oh and Alyssa,Luke,Selena,and you will have to walk home tonight if you don't care." Michael added.

"Ugh, yeah that's fine with me, how about you Selena?" I questioned putting her on the spot.

"Y-yeah that's fine with me." She stated as she looked down at her hands. She looked so cute when she is nervous. Wait,what am I saying?

I can't like her I like Alyssa. Wait can feelings really fade this fast? Ugh screw it I'm sick of thinking.

Michael,Ash,and Mack left and now it was only Selena and I. Well this should be an interesting night.
Selena's POV.

I can't believe I stuttered! Even if I only did it once I still can't believe I did that! Now I'm alone, with Calum,with nothing to talk about. I honestly don't want to start the conversation. I'll probably say something stupid.

I seem tough, but I'm the complete opposite at heart. "So, Selena, how did you meet Alyssa?" He says not making eye contact with me. Am I that ugly?

"Well, Umm, we bumped into each other at a café. Like literally. She bumped into me and we both had coffee all over us. Somehow during that we exchanged phone numbers, and yeah..." I explained.

He looked up from his lap and smiled. It was a genuine and friendly smile too. It then turned into him chuckling. "What's so funny?" I asked chuckling a bit myself. His laughter is a bit contagious.

"I can just so see Alyssa being clumsy like that." He chuckles as he shakes his head. Him smiling made me want to smile,so I did.

The rest of the night was amazing! While Cal and I were at dinner we were just joking around and having a good time. He really is a great guy. He looks so punk rock,like the rest of the guys,but they are all softies at heart.

We were currently walking back to Luke (and Alyssa's) house. It was silent between us, but a comfortable silence.

"Soo...the weather today was quite delightful." He says chuckling as he looks up at the night sky. I looked up at the darkened,infinite,plain above as well. The stars were twinkling like glitter. It was so beautiful out,so...beautiful.

Then I realized what Calum had said a few seconds ago. "Did you really just bring up the weather?" I questioned him as I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey! The weather is a very interesting topic. Plus, I needed to strike up a conversation." Calum chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck and looks down at me.

It was now about 11:00 ,and we should be at Luke (and Alyssa's) house in about 5 minutes.

"Well, than yes the weather was lovely today." I giggled as I shook my head. Then a gust of wind hit my face causing my thick black locks to fall into my face blocking my vision.

Of course, with my luck, I trip over a rock or something and onto the cemented sidewalk. All I could feel was the aching pain in my right knee . It was scraped, but nothing I couldn't handle.

I'm pretty sure I'll have a big purple bruise on my knee tomorrow morning though.

"Oh my god, Selena are you okay?" Calum quickly says as he croutches down next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said quietly looking down at my knee. I'm happy it's dark out.

It would have made things worse if he saw me blushing. My hair was still in my face, but I didn't bother to move it. We were now sitting on the curb on the side of the road. No one was out driving ,so it didn't really matter.

Then he did something, well unexpected I guess. Before I knew it, he reached out and put his hand in front of my face and gently moved my hair behind my right ear.

I looked up, and his hazel eyes meet my green ones. I couldn't help but stare into them, as if they were hypnotizing me. Before I knew it, he was leaning in. Not just him, but I too was leaning in.

Thoughts quickly swirled around in my head like a tornado. What the hell is happening? I just meet this guy! Do I like him? It is this just the heat of the moment type thing? Ugh I'm confusing myself! Well I can't pull away now, can I?

Our lips were now a centimeter apart. They were just about to meet, when we heard a loud beep of a car. We turned for a split second and saw a front of a car for a half second. I quickly saw the terror,fear,horror written on his face.

It made me want to cry,for him for me. But before I could, I felt a pain and aching sensation hit my chest all at once, then all I could see was black.

(Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was short, but I just wanted to get down thing out. Spring break starts once I get out of school tomorrow and I can't wait! I'll be updating everyday for the whole spring break! And I can't wait! Hope you all are enjoying the book so far! Please vote and comment! :-) if you have any questions or anything you can message me or comment. Either is fine. Have a goodnight loves <3)

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