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Alyssa's POV.

The bell had just rung ,and everyone was seated in their seats. There were 3 desks that sat empty behind Luke. This class was full until 3 girls tragically died in a car accident a month ago.

They were just about to refill the spots until the teacher announced that we would be having 3 new students today.

I wonder who they are and what they are like. Hopefully me and Luke will become great friends with them,since we only have each other right now.

I don't have the slightest idea if they are male or female ,but gender really doesn't matter. I'm just looking for some new friends, and I hope Luke is too.

I was snapped away from my thoughts when the door to the class slowly opened. One by one 3 boys entered the classroom. Let me tell you all three are extremely attractive. Like damn. In my opinion though, Luke tops them.

They stood up in front of the class side by side,wondering what they are going to do. "Okay how about you boys introduce yourselves to the class." Mr. Larson said as he was writing something about the Great Depression on the chalk board.

The one to the far left spoke first. He had very dark tan skin, hazel eyes, and black hair. His arms by the way, super muscular. I could see he had the same kind of rock,band style like me and Luke have,all the boys did really,so far they seem decent to me.

"Well my name is Calum and this is Ashton," he said pointing to the boy in the middle. Ashton had dirty blond hair,much like Luke's except his was a bit curly. He also had tan skin,but not dark like Calum's,just normal fair skin,and hazel eyes with a tint of another color,so I'm guessing his eyes change color depending on season I guess.

My brother's eyes do that. They change their color a bit depending on the light of the sun. It's quite beautiful the way I see it.

"And this is Michael." he motions to the boy to the right of Ashton. Michael had as of right now vibrant turquoise colored hair,I'm wondering what his natural hair color is, tan skin, but not as tan as Ashton or Calum's, and he too had hazel eyes.

"We just moved here from Sydney,Australia." Ashton says with a cheeky,yet nervous grin.

"Okay well we welcome you to MillCreek High boys, now you three can sit in those 3 empty desks behind Mr.Hemmings. He too is new here so maybe you guys will become best of friends." Mr. Larson says with a smile.

The guys had taken their seats behind Luke and I. I look to Luke and he looks like he has just seen a ghost. "Luke you okay? I asked with pure worry in my voice. What's wrong with him?

He turns to look at the 3 boys, they all smile,then Luke turns around and chuckles a bit while he shakes his head. The 3 boys did the same.

"Luke what's going on?" I was totally confused right now. " Its nothing Alyssa, I'll tell you at Lunch,okay?" He says with a smile so big that you could clearly see his dimples. Why does he have to be so adorable? "Okay." Is all I could get out before class began ,and Mr.Larson told us to get out some paper and take notes on today's lesson.

Today is going to be a long day.

Finally Lunch came around ,and I was joined by Luke at my locker. "You ready to go eat?" I asked Luke as we started to head toward the Cafeteria. I figured that I would eat in the Cafeteria today, since Luke is with me. I don't want him to think I'm weird for eating in a music room.

I'll probably tell him after school that I usually eat in the music room and that he can join me if he liked. Plus, I don't even know if he lives music like I do.

"Yep,I'm starving. Mrs.Campbell's rant about bisectors and proofs made me hungry." He said with a laugh.

"Why did that make you hungry?" I said while chuckling. This lanky ,blonde headed boy is so weird."Well her speech was so boring that it made me hungry. Anytime I am bored, my stomach gurgles, which means it says feed me. So therefore I am hungry." He stated in a proper classy tone like he was having tea with the Queen of England,but soon after he broke into a cheeky grin.

"You're and absolute idiot you know that blondey?" I laughed at his attempt to sound smart. "I know." He said as he flashed his pearly white smile at me. I felt as if I was going to melt.

We finally arrived at the cafeteria,and me and Luke got our food and went to go sit down. We sat at a table that could seat 8 ,but it was just us,so the table seemed a lot bigger than it really was.

"So Luke what were you going tell me?" I've been wondering about it all day.
"Umm well.." He said with a breathe,but then 3 guys sat down at the table next to Luke and I.

It was the guys from 1st period. Calum, Ashton ,and Michael. Besides History,Calum was in almost all of the rest of my classes except P.E, Ashton was in my Language Arts and P.E class, then Michael was in my Math and Spanish Class.

"Hey Lukey!" Calum shouted as he wrapped his arm around Luke's neck as if they were best friends. "Yeah we missed you Dude." Ashton said with a smile. "I'm guess you're wondering what we are doing here." Michael said wiggling his eyebrows.

Okay hold up. Does Luke know these guys? "You guys know each other?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah,that's what I was gonna tell you Alyssa," he said scratching the back of his neck," this is Calum, Ashton ,and Michael, my best mates from back in Australia, and my band mates."

Well this turned around quite quickly.

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