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Michael's POV.

It's been about 45 minutes and Alyssa has yet to return to the waiting room. We were all worried about her and what her results were.

What if she tested negative like the rest of us? What if something went wrong with the blood testing? It's just a finger prick ,but hey you never know.

I was just about to get up out of my seat when Alyssa walked into the waiting room,but she wasn't alone.

I couldn't help but notice the tan,black haired girl that trailed behind her. They were standing side by side so Alyssa must know her.

I don't know, there is just something about her that is intriguing. She seems mysterious and hard to figure out,which just makes me want to get to know her more.

I was dragged away from my contemplated thoughts as Alyssa began to speak," oh,umm, yeah guys this is Li. She well.." Alyssa paused as she bit her lip and looked down at the ground, then back up at the tan,black haired girl whose name I'm guessing is Li.

I like that name. It's different it shows how unique she is. Li slowly nodded her head at Alyssa indicated she could move forward. "She is helping me, well us,and Luke. I meet her in the hall way and we are friends now so yeah..." She trailed off as she scanned the waiting room,like she was playing I-Spy.

"How is she helping you?" I piped up. At that moment Li's eyes locked with mine. I hadn't realized how pretty her eyes were. They were almost black in color, but at the right light angles they looked like they had a slight shade of red in them.

I broke eye contact and looked down at my feet,then I looked back at Alyssa for an answer. She once again bit her lip and looked down at her hands as she fiddled with her thumbs.

"She is helping save Luke, or even me...I..the thing is...." She hesitated and it was clear she was trying to choke back sobs that we all knew would end up falling anyway.Obviously,whatever she was trying to say was hard for her to.

This will be either horrible news or great news. God only knows how much I want it to be great news.

Alyssa silently cried into her hands as she sat in a nearby chair. Li rubbed her hand against her back as she soothed her weeping. I looked at my friends in a sympathetic way. We all seemed to have the same expression molded onto our faces. We were all Worried.

I looked back at Alyssa and Li to find that Alyssa was no longer crying. She was still seated in the chair as she whispered something to Li.

Li then nodded and stood up to face us. "Okay, well hey guys I'm Lisha, well Li for short. Alyssa is obviously having a hard time saying what has all happened in the last 30 minutes or so," she said a notch under a regular toned voice. She looked at Alyssa who sat behind her messing with her thumbs.

"Umm..Alyssa got her blood tested was found positive." She said. I let out a breathe that I didn't realize u was holding. This is the best news ever! Now Luke will be okay!

I spoke too soon because then Li continued,"but Luke has lost so much Blood that not 1 but 2 donors are needed for the blood transfusion,or..." She once again became silent," or else it's Luke's life, or Alyssa's. The doctor said that if there was only one donor they would have to give up their life for his. Alyssa was contemplating to do it,but that's where I came in."

She stopped,turned around,and smiled a toothy smile at Alyssa who was still placed in a chair behind her. Alyssa smiled back with just as much happiness.

"I had agreed to have my blood tested in order to help. Alyssa and I have only meet 30 minutes ago, but it feels like we have known each other since we were in diapers. So I'm happy to announce that I have gotten tested and have gotten my results back." She smiled once more while she scanned the faces of my best friends. Her gaze landed in mine as she then began to speak.

"I'm Positive."

And those are the two words that got my heart pumping,my stomach filled with butterflies of utter happiness,and the two words that got the whole room to their feet cheering.

Alyssa's POV.

They say things happen for a reason. That destiny has its way of playing out for the better. That day was one example. If I wouldn't have grown impatient and heard what the Dr.Reverie had said over the phone,I wouldn't have meet Li. Which means I would be dead.

Luke deserves to live, and if I was still in that predicament I would give my life up for his. It's as simple as that.

Thanks to our kind principal at school she has allowed our days at the hospital last week be excused. Now, we all have to go back to school. We as in, Li,Ash,Cal,Michael,Mack,Selena,and I.

Luke had gotten the transfusion Saturday, it's currently Monday morning,so it happened only 2 days prior. The girls,the lads, and I have planned to go straight to the hospital after school everyday till Luke is awake.

I don't necessarily know why. I think it's just because we want to be there when he wakes up, or if he does. The doctor has said that he is progressing, but they have yet to know when he might come out of the coma.

I've only been in Luke's hospital room once,but that's because Cal dragged me in there. I didn't want to be in there yet at the same time I yearned to be next to him.To be next to the one closest to my heart.

To be next to the one who comforted me. To be next to the one that saw me at my weakest and still stayed by my side. To be next to the one that could make me laugh when I didn't even want to smile. To be next to the one I Love.
The school day had been long and boring, as usual. Señor Parra had given us a pop quiz, I'm pretty sure I failed that. Gym went down like it usually did. Cal and I would hang out and goof around like normal,but today That didn't quite happen.

As Cal and I were walking to the bleachers, I was "accidentally" tripped by the queen bee herself, Kenzie. What's new. I had then hit my head on the corner of the bleachers which cause my head to bleed, a lot. Cal had rushed me to the clinic and sooner or later I was bandaged up.

I told Calum that he could go back to class, but he wouldn't have it. So we both skipped the rest of class just telling jokes and laughing. That was the first time in days that I was genuinely happy.

But then, that note was torn up, chewed, then spit back out. I'm at my locker getting my Social Studies textbook out for today's homework assignment, when I hear a faint clicking of heels behind me. The noise gets louder and louder then stops all together.

I turn around to see Kenzie and her two wanna bees. "What do you want?" I huffed as I rolled my eyes and turned back around to my open locker.

"I don't want anything. I just want to know why." She said innocently. It made me sick. "What are you talking about?" Okay I swear she has officially lost it. I bet she fucked too many guys this weekend and now her mind is all screwed up.

"Don't play dumb Alyssa. I know Luke is in the Hospital. I also know that it was because of you." She said angelically like she had never committed a single sin. I wanted to say something back, but nothing came out.

She smiled at me, "Just remember that you hurt everyone in your life Alyssa, nothing will ever change that." She said proudly as she turned on her heels and strutted away.

I could feel the tears brim my eyelids. I can't cry, not here. I need to go somewhere. Somewhere where I feel safest. Somewhere where I'll be accepted. I need someone to comfort me mentally.

There is only one place I can go right now. I haven't been there since Luke showed up.

I need to go to Miranda's grave. I need my big sister.

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