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Alyssa's POV.

It's been four days since the new neighbors have moved in. Of course,me being the shy girl I am, I do not have enough courage to go welcome them to the neighborhood.

What if they were mean and snobby like some of the people that live in this subdivision? If that was the case I might as well kill myself right now. Come on Alyssa go over to your new neighbors and welcome them.

Okay let's go. No Alyssa don't go you are gonna make a fool out of yourself. No just go! They might have a kid around your age maybe you guys can become best friends. Ha me have a best friend now that's funny. Alyssa just go. Fine. You win this one.

After the intense mental battle I had with myself, I chose to finally get up the confidence to go say hi. Then I will come straight home. Yeah, this will be easy.

I walk out the front door and steadily pick up the pace towards my neighbors' house. Once I finally reach the door, I decide to knock. As I was about to knock, I froze. I couldn't find the nerve to knock on the door.
Wow nice job Alyssa. Who can't knock on a door?
Okay I got this. I finally force my hand to knock.After about 20 seconds of me standing outside, the door finally opens, revealing a kind looking woman. She looks like she could be in her late 40s early 50s, which is pretty young in my opinion.

"Hi I'm Alyssa, I live next store with me, my parents and my older bother, Tristen, and I wanted to welcome you and your family to the neighborhood.."

"Oh hello Love. I'm Mrs. Hemmings, but you can call me Liz. I'm sorry for asking,but how old are you my dear?"

"I'm 16, I go to MillCreek High." I wonder where this is leading to.

"Oh that's wonderful my dear! I actually have a son around your age, he is 17 actually. I'll go get him..."

"Oh no it's fine I don't want to intru.." I say quickly,but before I could finish she already disappeared into the house to go find her son.
I wonder what kind of personality he has. Oh no what if he is one of this dumb jocks, or worse what if he is like into slutty girls, or has a serious alcohol problem!
Alyssa don't judge people if you haven't even meet them yet! You don't even know the guy's name and you are already making assumptions about him!
I had to calm myself down. I was so busy and mixed up in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize that Liz was back, and she wasn't alone.

I snap out of my thoughts and look up from my shoes. I see Liz standing there with a grin plastered on her face, and who I'm guessing is her son. Wow, was he tall. He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes,and what seemed to be a lip ring.

"Alyssa this is my son Luke, Luke this is Alyssa, she is one of our new neighbors," Liz says with an overly excited voice.

"Oh...Umm..hi, I actually live next store." I said blushing a bit, I then felt my stomach feel fuzzy..what the hell? Am I getting sick or something?
The conversation turned awkward fast because Luke didn't say anything back, he just stood there.

"Luke show some respect." Liz said with a strict tone as she hit his shoulder. But might I say He has really nice shoulders. Alyssa what the hell are you thinking? Stop! I swear something is so off with me today.

After about a minute of awkward silence since me nor Liz were talking, and Luke obviously won't,I decided that I would need to be getting home.

"Well it was nice to meet you Liz." I say with a grin plastered on my face as I put my hand out to shake her hand.
"It was nice to meet you too Alyssa. I apologize for my son, I don't understand why he is t talking," as she said that she glared at Luke. Which was pretty funny in my opinion, but of course I had to keep my laughter to myself. " He is usually so talkative..."

"It's okay Mrs.Hemmings...I mean Liz, I guess I'll see you around.." Well obviously you will see them around. They are your neighbors idiot.

"Oh and by Luke." I say bluntly as I just nod my head in his direction signifying a goodbye. Well that was awkward.

Once I'm inside, I quickly head up to my room. I end up plopping down on my bed with a loud oomf. I have so much homework that I really don't want to do. Then something crossed my mind. It was Friday! I mentally slapped myself at my forgetfulness that I don't have school tomorrow or the next day. Therefore I don't have to do my homework until Sunday!

I looked at my digital clock by my bedside that read that it was only 8:30. Man it is still way to early to sleep. So I end up hopping in the shower.(Just to let you know, I take forever in the shower. My slowest time was like 20 minutes.) After jamming along to OneDirection's 'Stockholm Syndrome' and a couple of other songs that were played, since my phone was on shuffle,I hopped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist.I then dried my hair with another one that I had laying around. I walk out of the bathroom and head to my room to get changed. I quickly pull on a black tank and One Direction pajama bottoms.( Hey don't judge. 1D is life okay.)

After hours of scrolling through my phone on Twitter and YouTube, I finally decide that it was time for me to go to sleep. It was after all 11:30 and I wanted to get a goodnights rest,even though I know I will be sleeping in tomorrow morning. As I'm about to doze off, the doorbell rings.
I swear to god that I will end up murdering the person outside that decided to wake me up at this time of night. The doorbell ends up ringing about 3 times.
"IM COMING!" I yell obviously annoyed with all the noise they are making. I unlock the door and fling it open. I stand there in shock. I don't say anything because I can't seem to find the words I'm looking for.I did not expect to see him here anytime soon...

(A/N: Oops Cliff hanger :-p! I hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I am!! I will try to do 1-2 chapters a day. Comment who you think is at the door! And also people's nominate and all that! It would mean a lot! And I hope you guys have had a spectacular Valentines Day and I love all of You!! :-* Have a nice day loves!)

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