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Alyssa's POV.
I didn't quite hear all of what the boy had said. He was talking only loud enough for Luke to hear. I'm still wondering what all had happened. I mean who smacks a 13 year old kid? Luke was definitely not making a good first impression with me and my brother.

Tristen probably thinks he hits kids for fun. I can tell Luke isn't like that,but why on earth did he hit him? I'm gonna talk to him later, one on one without Tristen. Plus it would give us time to hang out,to get to know each other better I guess. I mean it would be the friendly and neighborly thing to do..right?
I snapped out of my own thoughts. Then I realized that the boy was no longer talking, but Luke was.
"I'm so sorry bud." He said while sniffling,"I know what it feels like to be pushed around, to be treated like you're nothing, and I promise you I will not let that ever happen to you again."

He was now crying a bit. He wasn't balling, but those were definitely tears streaming down his cheeks. The boy was now tearing up too. Oh my god this is breaking my heart. I've never seen someone so vulnerable.

Luke looks so kind,sweet, and adorable though. It makes him seem more like a human than the robot I thought he was before. Before I knew it, I was crying. Luke turned around to face me, I guess he kinda forgot I was still standing here. I quickly wiped away my tears that way he won't see me cry. I hate it when other people see me cry. It makes me feel week,and not the tough girl I play out to be.
I wonder what Luke meant by saying what he had said. Has Luke gone through the same thing? But wait, Luke is Luke,I would have thought he was popular and full of happiness as a child.
Luke then gave the boy a piece of paper. They started to talk to one another again. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying. After about 5 minutes the boy finally says goodbye to Luke,and walks off.

Luke turns back around to me ,and we make eye contact. He then starts to speak,"Look Alyssa I.." But before he could continue I ran up to him and gave him a hug. Even if I don't know what he had gone through, seeing him help that boy mentally made me proud of him, even if this is only the second time I've talked to him.
I could tell he was taken back by my sudden action, but after a couple seconds or so he started to hug me back.
I pulled away. I then noticed Luke looking at Tristen. His fingers started to curl into fists. Well that's kinda weird."Umm hi I'm Luke, I just moved hear from Australia. I'm actually Alyssa's neighbor."he says with a big smile. His smile was gleaming white,his teeth were straight as well. This was actually the first time I've seen hims smile. "Hi I'm Tristen, Alyssa's older brother. So you're the ones that moved in next store? Nice to meet you." My brother says sticking out his hand for Luke to shake. Luke shakes it,then it got quiet for a bit.
I really need to know what he meant by saying he knew what the boy had gone through. I need to ask him.
"Luke..what did you mean by saying that you knew what he was going through, being treated like nothing?" I was quiet when I said it. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I know we only meet yesterday ,but I have an urge to get to know him better.

He hadn't said anything. I thought he didn't hear me at first but then he speaks up, " It's nothing," he says quickly. His face was now a bit more pale than it was before." I really don't want to talk about it." He says with a sigh.

I knew he wouldn't tell me. I mean I'm basically a stranger to him. I respect his decision though. You don't just tell a somewhat stranger about your childhood. "That's okay, I respect your decision." I said with a smile. I didn't want to let him see that I was about disappointed. Thankfully he smiled back. "Um so you guys want to go walk down to the café?" I asked. I was really craving some coffee.Call me a typical white girl,but I need my daily dose of it to feel sane.

"Um I actually have to head back to my flat. John just texted me saying he needs help cleaning it up since he is having his girlfriend over. Sorry sis. You two go though, I don't want to ruin your day. Love you see you later okay?"
"Okay, I'll see you soon then bye." I said with a small smile. I'm kinda sad that Tristen can't come. Stupid messy flat.
"So Luke you in for the café?" I didn't mind it being just us two. We are neighbors, so we would be seeing alot of one another. "Um yeah sounds good. I really need something to wake me up. Call me lazy,but I'm exhausted." He said chuckling a bit. I couldn't help but laugh at his kiddish ways. He started to laugh as well and we both nearly fell to the ground. I don't even get it. It wasn't even that funny. I guess we are both really tired. "Okay okay, let's go get some coffee." I breathed out trying to compose my self. "Yeah. Shall we?" He said holding his arm out for me to hold onto.

It was quite funny. I started to laugh again and so did he. "We shall." I said while linking my arm with his. We then merely skipped to the café. I could tell me and Luke were gonna be good friends.

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