CH. 28

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( Hey loves! Sorry it took so long for me to update. I had the chapter finished awhile ago, but my computer fucking hates me and decides to log me out and not save my work! Well hopefully you lot are having a better day than I am. Love you my Penguins and enjoy! :-') )

Alyssa's POV.

We've been at this god forsaken hospital for 12 hours, but I and everyone else refuses to leave. Ash, Sel, and Mack were free to leave about an hour ago, but of course they hadn't. We were all still in the waiting room until the doctor says we can see Cal. None of us were gonna exit the hospital until we do.

I looked at Selena. The doctor wasn't lying, all she had was a couple bumps and bruises, and sadly a fractured wrist, but other than that she looked perfectly fine, like she wasn't even hurt at all.

That's when everything clicked. At the scene I saw Cal's body wrapped and draped over her's. It hadn't been a coincidence. Cal  WAS protecting her. He saved her life. He had put his life on the line for her's. That must be why he was so severely injured and Sel wasn't.

This warmed my heart, but at the same time it ripped it apart. He was still on the verge of life and death. I'm happy Sel is fine, but i just wish that Calum was as well.

I was dragged from my intuition when the doctor made an appearance before the 7 of us. Actually, Luke wasn't here, where did he go? I was about to head off to go search for him when the doctor spoke uo," You may all go visit Mr.Hood, but stay quiet, he isn't doing well, he still is in the deadly coma.." he trailed off.

All of us piled into Calum's hospital room in hopes that he would miraculously be awake once we all stepped foot into the small white room,but that was not the truth, this is the truth. He was laying down in one of those hospital beds, his face was all cut up and he had a tube down his throat. He also had a broken leg.

The doctor had said earlier that Cal also had many broken and fractured ribs, and that he was lucky enough to not have internal bleeding.

We were gracious that he didn't have that, but the dilemma was was that he was still in this coma, and by the looks of things he wouldn't wake anytime soon, but i still maintain hope, and that is all any of us can have right now,Hope.

After about 15 minutes of sitting in Cal's medical room, I decided to go search for Luke. "I'll be right back guys, I'm just gonna go look for Luke." I announced a notch above a whisper.The room was still silent, but they all nodded their heads, so I left.

I was walking down random hallways and Corridors before I heard a faint weeping sound. I followed this sonority to the men's bathrooms. I don't know if I should go in there or not, but once I recognized who those sobs belonged to , I made no hesitation to push the door open and walk on in.

I turned the bathroom corner and what I saw there was astonishing,dreadful,sorrowful,and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die. I felt like my whole body was going numb. I could no longer feel my legs, therefore i collapsed to my knees..

The thump of my knees against the tile startled him,but it didn't put a halt to things.

Luke was still using that thin silver death wish that was prominently placed between his thumb and his index finger. 

Blood. That's all I could see. It covered the once white tiles and stained them. 

"L-L-Luke.." is all I could stutter out due to the oxygen leaving my longs too soon. It didn't return to my body. I sat their gasping, gasping for the gas that brought life to my almost lifeless body. 

I was now down on my back, against the cold,white,bleached tiled flooring. I turned to my left to see Luke, as pale as snow. His chest slowly rising and falling. He was almost gone. My love is slipping away through my colorless fingertips.

The only question that ran through my mind was Why? Why would he do this to himself, to his best friends, but most importantly why was he doing this to me?

I was beginning to fade out into blackness, into the known oblivion that I have heard so much about, but not before I saw someone that I never thought I would see again.

The person that we mourned for for hours. The last person I saw before my vision went blurry, and my sight faded into darkness, Calum.

Michael's POV.

Alyssa had gone off to look for Luke while the rest of us sat and waited in hopes to find Calum awake once we looked his way,so far, it hasn't happened. Its been 10 minutes since Alyssa left and I started to get worried. It shouldn't take her this long.

I was just about to go and look for her, when we heard a dreadful noise, a noise that we never want to hear. A noise no one ever wants to hear,th sound of death. The dreadfully long beep of the machinery. Calum was gone.

Calum's POV.

They say your life flashes before your eyes before you pass, well they're right. All my cherished and deepest moments in my life, happy and sad, were being shown, like a PowerPoint of one's life, right in front of me,like if I stuck my hand out at the memory of my sister Mali singing happy birthday to me, I could easily stroke her silky hair.

I miss my sister. I miss my best friends. I miss my parents, they don't deserve this. Most importantly, I miss Selena. I've known her for a short amount of time, but i feel like we are connected. I feel as if she is the one. I never thought i would leave her this soon.

I thought this would happen when I was 90 and married to her with two grown children, but no. It's happening now, before we ever got a chance to be in any type of relationship, before our lives together ever began.

In a flash I was looking upon my hospital room. It wasn't empty though, all my friends were there, except for Luke, and Alyssa. The two closest people to me weren't here. Everyone in the room started crying. Doctors swarmed into the room and were doing tests into my pale lifeless body down below. I'm dead.

I looked to me right and saw a big bright light. At that moment i was heading for it,but not before I felt like something was wrong.

I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom or something. Therefore, I drifted off. Floating, its very different, you feel free, but at the same time you feel bound by your feet. 

It felt like I was floating for hours, when it has only been a couple seconds. I was about to give up and head back towards the light when I heard weeping. I followed it till I was meet face to face with the men's bathroom door. 

I flew through it and turned the corner of the bathroom. I felt like sobbing, but then I remember that I cant do that since im dead, Another wandering spirit.

Luke was getting pale as blood flowed from his wrists and onto the tiled flooring of the hospital's bathroom. Alyssa was on her knees gasping for air as her face turned pale very quickly. They were dying.

The two closest people to me were dying next to one another on a restroom floor. I couldn't look, so I decided to change fate.

I flew as quickly as I could back to my medical room. Doctors were still trying to get my body's heart beating again. Then i made my choice. I drifted over to my body until i was directly over it. Then i sunk down.

I felt the pounding of my chest. the excruciating pain in my head and leg. Then I opened my eyes. At the moment i felt reborn, like I had the will power of a thousand men.

I used every ounce of strength I had to leap out of my bed and run out the door and into the bleached smelling halls. I ran and ran until I reached my destination. A destination that could change everyone's fate, and I tend to do just that.

( Hey loves! Sorry if this chapter turned out so short, but I hope you like it! Please vote and comment and yeah lol. Tell me if you have any suggestions about the book so far. This took me awhile to write, but I promised to put something out today. Well I hope your day was good! Good Night loves ;-') )

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