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Alyssa's POV.

The doctor patiently awaited my answer. I don't know if I want to go and see Luke or not. I love him and want to know if he is okay, but if I saw him in there in a bad condition...I don't know. It's just not an image tags you can forget easily, you know?

"I'll wait..," I told the doctor looking down at my shoes," umm, when will me and my friends do the blood testing?" I asked him as I looked up from the ground.

"You and your friends can come in the waiting room and we will call you up one at a time to be tested." He says as he motions his hand towards the waiting room.

I nod and meet everyone else in the waiting room. After about 10 minutes Ash was called up. One by one everyone had gotten their blood tested, except for me. It was Ash,Sel,Liz,Cal,Mack,Mikey,then me.

Yes, Liz had came over straight after Ash has called her. She was an emotional wreck like the rest of us. I was torn away from my thoughts when a door opened.

Michael had just walked back into the waiting room as he shook his head, my heart dropped. This means his blood was tested negative for everyone else's.

"Alyssa." I heard the doctor call as he popped his head into the waiting room where we all sat. I got up and maneuvered my way through some nurses and patients. I finally reached the doctor and followed him down the hall.

"Okay Alyssa this is gonna be plain and simple. I'm just gonna prick your finger and test your blood." He said as he goes through a drawer and pulls out his utensils.

I stuck my finger out and in a matter of seconds he pricked my finger and put a bandaid on it. I then awaited patiently for my results. It had been 10 minutes and the doctor still had not yet come back.

It didn't take this long with everyone else? Has something gone wrong? Oh my god is Luke okay? Has something happened to him?

Similar questions like these swirled around my head like a whirl pool. I couldn't wait any longer.

I got up and made my way to Dr.Reverie's office. I was about to walk in when I heard voices.

"She has the right type of blood Monica! This is like 1 in 1000! Her and Luke have a rare blood type remember! I'm aware of that..yes I know she would have to lose a great amount of blood to save him, much? She would have to lose almost all of it. Yes that means she will have know. Well unless we have another patient with this type of blood then a person is gonna die!" And with That Dr. Reverie hung up the phone.

I can't believe what I've just heard. Either Luke will die or I will. Why is this society so fucked up? I then noticed that my face felt wet. I hadn't even realized I had been crying. With that, more tears dribbled down my cheeks. And why did he say remember?

I had just meet the doctor today and so had Luke. For some reason the name Monica rings a bell,but I can't put my finger on it. I shook away those useless thoughts as I concentrated on what is important. Luke,but I couldn't take it.

I ran down a random hallway and slid down against a wall. That's where I just sat there and weeped. It felt like I've sat here for hours just sobbing my eyes out,until I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

I look up and see a girl standing over me. She had black hair and tan skin. She looked to be about my age, maybe even a year older. She had on an ATL band shirt and dark blue skinny jeans with black converse.

Her eyes seemed to be black,but they were really pretty, better than my boring brown ones at least.

"Hi, I'm Li. Why are you crying?" She asked sadly. She looked like she meant what she was saying. Was she really this concerned about me?

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