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Luke's POV.


I can't believe Ash is making me go to this party. I'm honestly not much of a people's person right now. It's now been 2 months since..since Aleisha and I..broke up for say.

I still can't believe she cheated on me. I thought we had something special, but I guess that was all a damn lie.

I should have taken Ash's warning about her, but I was so blinded by her personality and beauty that I didn't give a damn about what he said about her.

I guess that's what happens when you're in love. You see them as perfect, even though they aren't. No one really is.

If someone acts perfect or seems perfect you know they are a lie, cause no one can be perfect, even if you try to be.

Now Ash is making me go to this stupid bar downtown.he knows I hate bars and have no use for them.But no, he says he wants me to get loose and stop worrying. So I guess thats what I'm going to do.
Ash and I got to the party, and there had to be at least 150 people there, the place was packed. I could barely make my way over to the bar without being pushed and tripped by the drunken lunatics dancing and grinding on each other on the dance floor.

I really hate parties. I rarely drink , and I'm claustrophobic, so being in a crowd doesn't settle too well with me.

I mean I went to a greenday concert when I was 12,it was packed ,but I didn't mind then. As strange as it seems I can cope with people at concerts, but at parties, well that's a completely different story.

I finally reached the bar and sat down on one of the black leather stools. "What do you want?" The buff bartender said as he wipes a shot glass clean with a rag. He was bald and looks like he could easily throw me through the wall if he wanted to.

"Um, just a beer." I said as I turned around in the swiveling stool while looking out at the intoxicated crowd.

I really hate this. I tried to look for Ashton, but I couldn't see him from where I was, just the faces of strangers.

"Here's your beer." The bartender said as he sets the beer down in front of me. I muttered a thank you and started to down my beer. Within 3 minutes it was gone.

I could feel my body being intoxicated by the beer. I didn't feel any different though, the thoughts and my worries were still buzzing around in my head like an annoying bee.

"3 shots." I stated unemotionally to the bartender. "You sure pal?" "Yes." I said with a slight nod of my head.

"Okay, here you go." He handed me three shots full of vodka. I downed the shots, then the effects started to kick in. It's about time.

I felt so free, so relaxed,Like I could fly. "Anotheeerr...b-b-beeeeerrr...pleeeaaase." I slurred as I directed my attention to the big burly bartender.

"Okay mate, but this is the last one." He said as he rolled his eyes at me. "Fine." I grumbled as I snatched my second beer out of his hand and downed it in a matter of seconds.

It was stupid, cause now I couldn't drink anymore. Well I better go find ashton to get out of here, no use in being here anymore if I can't keep drinking.
I finally found him talking to some chick in the couch. She was in his lap grinding on him as he sipped his beer. Just fucking great.

I walked up the the chick and ash and yanked the red headed slut off his lap. "Hey what gives!" Ashton shouted. "We are leaving, the bar won't let me drink anymore."

"No I'm gonna stay here. Here take my keys and go, but I'm having fun." He slurred as he winked at the red head that was once grinding on him.

I rolled my eyes and huffed as I snatched Ash's keys out of his hands and made my way towards the exit.
After what felt like hours of looking around for Ash's car in the parking lot, I finally found it.

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