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1 year later

Luke's POV.

This is torture.

I walk this town yet I am no longer a member of it. The things I've seen, well it's something that no one should have to ever have in their line of vision.

I had attended my own funeral, even Alyssa's parents' cause I know how much she would have wanted me there. Seeing her so heartbroken months after me's not something I want to see.

That's not the worst part though, actually, that's not even half of it.

Alyssa, my baby girl, my princess, my love...she is gone. Taken by another man. A good man nonetheless, I trust him more than anyone with my precious angel.

Calum was like a brother to me. I see he makes Alyssa happy, that's all I want for her..but the pain in my's overwhelming.

So much has happened in 1 painful year on earth. Selena had moved to New York a couple months after I passed, cause her father had gotten a higher paying job up there.

I'm happy to say that the rest of the lads have also hopped on the love boat. Mikey and Li are together, he just recently had enough balls to ask her out. They've been friends with benefits for way too long. It really does seem he loves her though.

Ashton and Mack are a couple. And should be expecting a little ball of sunshine in 8 months. Yes, Mack is 1 month pregnant. I'm happy for them though, if I still know what happiness feels like.

My death has affected my mother the most, I mean whose mother wouldn't it affect. I was her only son that didn't have a house of his own. It tears me apart when I walk into the house and I see her with a cup of tea in her hand while she reminisces about me as a child. She always looks at the same photo of me.

It's one of me back in Australia, I was around 15, 16 even. It's a goofy photo nonetheless. I was trying to act serious as I sat down against the wall of the amphitheater. It was at a Green Day concert, and that's the day I knew I wanted to play music.

After all this time on earth, I have yet to try to contact Alyssa. Miranda had told me it was a bad idea, so I always pushed it to the back of my mind.

Yes, Miranda speaks just like me and everyone else. She has told me all about the incident of her death, but can never remember who the man was in relation to her.

We are currently walking down the street, as usual. We do this a lot, just walk and check up on our friends.

They're all in college now. They had all agreed on going to the same one. I know how hard it would be for them to split up.

They all attend UGA, and it seems like they are having fun. Alyssa is studying to become an engineer, something she's always wanted to be. Calum is on the college soccer team, and is being excepted to play for America's national league. He was ecstatic about that.

He had come into Alyssa's dorm dancing and singing weirdly. As he picked her up in his arms and spun her around. She laughed and giggled so much at his actions.

I miss her laugh.

He had then put her down and told her the news. Obviously she was happy for him as she pulled him down for a kiss. It started getting heated so I left. I wasn't the only one who knew what happened next though.

They all went out and celebrated at a fancy restaurant around campus. All 6 of them sitting at a rounded table, laughing and telling jokes like there was no tomorrow.

The lads will always be the same guys I grew up with. I know they'll never change. And Alyssa, oh Alyssa I know she'll do great things in this world. I can feel it.

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