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Ashton's POV.


I just came back from the small Café from around the corner. The heat of the sun in Australia is pressed onto my skin. I went to go pick up lunch and coffee for Selena and I.

Tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary of being a couple ,and I can't wait. Selena and I meet at a party. That was probably the best day of my entire life. We swapped phone numbers and we called and texted one another almost everyday.

I had then built up enough courage,thanks to the lads, to ask her out. In my favor, she had said yes. I was smiling so much that day that my face had hurt.

I had taken her out to the park ,and we danced under the Stars. It had begun to pore ,but we didn't care. We had just kept dancing.

That was when I had leaned down and kissed her. She was my first kiss believe it or not. I was so lucky.

I took her out on 4 more dates after that. Then I had popped the question. I had asked her to be my girlfriend. She was surprised,but then she had kissed me, so I had taken it as a yes.The kiss was full of was just warm and passionate. I was and still am so lucky to call her mine.

I opened the door to our shared apartment and sat the food and drinks down. "Selena, I'm home." I stated half yelled.

She didn't answer. "Selena?" I said again. Where is she? I then heard quiet sobs coming from our bedroom. I walked up the stairs and opened the door.

There was Selena balled up on the bed with her knees to her chest. "Baby what's wrong?" Seeing her like this almost made me cry,but I have to be strong for her. I have to be strong for my baby girl.

"Baby Girl, come here." I say pulling her into my lap. She was shaking. She began to cry even harder. This is breaking my heart. What could have caused her so much pain?

"Shh..shh, there there," I whisper into her ear trying to comfort her. I began to trace circles into her back to try to soothe her. After a while,her breathing began to go steady. Before I knew it, she had fallen asleep in my arms.

I laid her down in our bed and pulled the duvet over her delicate body. I leaned down and pressed a kiss onto her forehead. "I love you baby girl."

We have almost been together for a whole year, and we still haven't said the 3 big words,' I love you.' We both wanted to take things slow that way our relationship will last.

The rest of the lads and Aleisha were over at Luke's House as usual. I had told them that I was cleaning my apartment today ,and that I couldn't hang out.

I hate lying to them. I've kept me and Selena a secret. They don't know about her ,and I don't want them to. All my girlfriends from the past have always broken up with me and ended up dating one of them.

Aleisha is one example. I tried to warn Luke to watch out for her. She had cheated on me with another guy. I told him that she couldn't be trusted ,but he denied it.

Maybe I was wrong. So far Aleisha and Luke really do look like they love one another. Luke's eyes go wider and brighter anytime he sees her. That's what I do when I see Selena. I really do love her. She is my everything.

I'm still curious as to why she was crying. I'm really worried about her. I don't want to press in the subject though. If she wants to tell me she'll tell me. I know she will.

After about a couple hours of watching tv, it was 10:00. I have no idea why I'm so exhausted, but I am. I walked into my bedroom and slid out of my clothes,Leaving me only in my boxer briefs.

I slid into our bed,trying not to wake Selena. I laid my head on my pillow and draped my right arm over her waist. I then slipped into a deep sleep.
Today is the day. It's Selena and I's 1 year anniversary. I decided to wake up early to make her breakfast.

I set the bacon,eggs,pancakes,and toast in the middle if the dining table. I cooked a lot ,but I know that both of us eat like we have been starving for 50 years.

I quietly walked up to our bedroom and and sat down next to her. She looked so peaceful. I didn't know how to wake her up,so I'm just gonna keep kissing her till she wakes.

After a couple seconds her eyes dart open. To my delight se doesn't break the kiss. It then got heated. I pulled her into my lap and brought her as close as I could to my body.

After our 10 minute make out session we pulled apart to catch our breathe. "I have a surprise for you." I grin as I grab her hand and lead her to the kitchen. I put my hands over her eyes and guide her towards the dining room.

"Ready, 1.....2.....3!" I say as Pull my hands back to my sides. Her hand immediately covered her mouth in shock. "Ash...Ash it's beautiful." She says as she wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"You like it baby girl?" I whisper as I look down at her fragile frame. "I love it. Thank you Ash." She smiles as she connects her lips with mine.

I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. I love this girl so much. I can't see my future without her in it. We walked over to the table that has our Breakfast buffet and a gigantic brown teddy bear.

She immediately takes the teddy bear into her arms. "Hey save the cuddling for me." I say as I pout. She laughs and playfully rolls her eyes at me. She comes up and gives me a hug." Thats much better." I smile cheekily.

" you Ashton, always know that." She says a notch above a whisper. I was over the top happy when she said that. She said the three words that I was dreaming her saying for the past year.

I couldn't hold my happiness for much longer. I smiled the widest I ever have and leaned down. Before our lips meet, I mumbled," I love you too baby girl." Then I closed the gap in between our lips.

Today is gonna be the best day ever.

*End of FlashBack*

I was broken away from my thoughts as I hear foot prints coming down the stairs. I didn't bother to pull my head out of my hands. I just sat there. I don't even care if someone sees me cry. I'm broken. I still vividly remember that day. The day in my life that will live in Infamy.

I then felt the couch shift. Then a hand began to rub my back. "Ashton is everything ok?" I recognized that TE voice belonged to Alyssa.

"N-NNO." Is all I could manage to say. I don't feel like talking. "Ashton why didn't you introduce yourself to Selena?" Alyssa says confused. She has no idea.

"She knows who I am.." I muttered quietly hoping that she wouldn't hear me, but at the same time I hope she did."How do you two know each other?"
I have to tell someone. I can't tell the lads. Alyssa is the only one I trust enough to tell. She'll understand.

I turned to face Alyssa and explained everything. I could tell that she was in complete shock. I began to cry even harder. I hate it when people see me cry,but I just can't help it.

"Shhh...shhhh it's okay Ash. Me and the lads will help you through this. We will make this work. "There is always rain before the rainbow." She whispers in my ear as she holds me close.

She really is like a sister to me.
"Thank you, but you can't tell the lads. They don't know about Selena, and I don't want them to." I say as I'm hugging her. She pulls away. "Okay Ash, I understand."

"You ready to head up stairs?" I nodded and we went back to join the boys and Selena. Once Selena saw me her eyes went wide. In an instant I was overcome by emotions.

"Ashton?" Her eyes were soft and sorrowful. "Selena" I said nodding. I can't show her how I really feel. She broke me.

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