Alice In N.Y.

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Module Name: Alice In N.Y.

Real Name: Cornelius Aliff (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Nickname(s): Alice, Corny Cornelius

Date Of Birth: March 20, 2003

Age: 21

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Goat

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 127 lbs.

Designer: Suzunosuke

Known Relationships/Family

Lorraine Aliff/Alice In N.Y. Rin (twin sister)

Hayden Ulbright/Hikyou Orange (girlfriend) (April 9, 2022)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a junior) & fashion designer

Specific Song: Alice In N.Y.

Song Producer: Hitoshizuku-P

Specific Song Anniversary: April 3, 2019

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, Lifelike (or her real name Sara Lambe), Vocalostream Rin (or her real name Elisha Westergaard), Vocalostream Len (or his real name Vernon Westergaard), Plus Boy Rin (or her real name Joye Hodgins), and Plus Boy Len (or his real name Aaron Hodgins) are all birthday twins.

- This Len module and Waiting For You have the same first name. However, their last names are different.

- Cornelius doesn't like being called 'Corny Cornelius' or 'Short Little Nerd'. He was bullied in school because of this. Now he's following his own passions to become successful to intimidate his bullies.

- Cornelius is your average nerd. He doesn't care about popularity or any of that stuff. He just cares about getting straight A's.

- Because of this, Lorraine thinks he's such a loser for not putting himself out there. She thinks he's not gonna get anywhere in life. But Cornelius has big plans for his future. He wants to be a doctor.

- Lorraine and Cornelius don't live together because their relationship is really bad. Lorraine would always doubt her brother's skills, and say that he's not good enough. She would call him a lowlife, and ask why he doesn't look as good as she does. But Cornelius isn't fazed by all the popularity he gets, and doesn't really care. While he wants to hold his fashion designer job, he wants to also be a doctor. He wants to do that to spite his sister.

- How did these 10 friends first meet? It all started with Alice In N.Y. Len (or his real name Cornelius Aliff), a nerdy boy, who became a fashion designer and got played by Alice In N.Y. Miku (or her real name Emmeline Yampolsky). He then met Caterpillar & Co. with Alice In N.Y. Kaito (or his real name Devin Inskeep) and Alice In N.Y. Meiko (or her real name Tonia Youmans), where he got hired to be their designer.

- Alice In N.Y. Rin (or her real name Lorraine Aliff), who is a young model, went to New York where she got hired by Devin as their model. Devin introduced her to Alice In N.Y. Gakupo (or his real name Dale Eastman), Alice In N.Y. Gumi (or her real name Leatrice Nair), and Alice In N.Y. IA (or her real name Janel Frelich). She ends up getting in the magazine.

- Then came the show, where Cornelius disguised himself as Lorraine and became the next Alice, beating Emmeline as revenge for playing with his heart back then. The two of them still aren't on good terms, but other than that, everyone else is friends.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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