Soi Yassaa!!

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Module Name: Soi Yassaa!!

Real Name: Riku Arakawa (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: そいやっさぁ!!

Nickname(s): Yassaa

Date Of Birth: October 10, 2003

Age: 20

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Goat

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132 lbs.

Designer: N/A

Known Relationships/Family:

Natsumi Arakawa/Soi Yassaa!! Rin (twin sister)

Yukina Arakawa (mother) (born September 3rd, 1977) (married in 2000)

Jin Arakawa (father) (born May 12th, 1975) (married in 2000)

Ryouta Arakawa (paternal uncle) (born May 12th, 1975)

Sayuri Arakawa (paternal aunt) (born September 27th, 1976)

Hanzou Arakawa (cousin) (born May 7th, 2003)

Asami Arakawa (cousin) (born December 8th, 2004)

Mameko Arakawa (paternal aunt) (born May 12th, 1975)

Nishio Arakawa (paternal uncle) (born April 22nd, 1974)

Nina Arakawa (cousin) (born November 4th, 2002)

Dohri Arakawa (cousin) (born February 13th, 2004)

Yoshiko Arakawa (cousin) (born July 23rd, 2007)

Karin Arakawa (maternal aunt) (born June 12th, 1982)

Akihito Arakawa (maternal uncle) (born October 5th, 1981)

Konomi Arakawa (cousin) (born September 7th, 2006)

Hachi Fulton/Snow Rin 2018 (girlfriend) (March 16, 2022)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a sophomore)

Specific Song: Soi Yassaa!!

Song Producer: Shuujin-P

Specific Song Anniversary: October 9, 2009

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, MidnightPumpkin Rin (or her real name Lark Bradach), MidnightPumpkin Len (or his real name Zechariah Bradach), and Racing Rin 2010 (or her real name Rachael Noriega) are birthday twins.

- Riku's first name means 'handsome' in Japanese.

- Riku wants to become a self-defense class teacher when he grows up. He wants to participate in the martial arts club they have at his future college.

- Riku and Natsumi's parents met in Tokyo. But then they had to move to Negi Root City, and that's where they had the twins. They mainly moved there because they didn't want to get multiple jobs and balance two babies on their shoulders (Japan is known for its low birth rate because of those main factors). Their mom described it to be a 'painful, but beautiful' process. Their dad came up with their names.

- Basically, the two of them had a great childhood. They were treated with lots of love by their parents. They grew up learning how to speak Japanese and English. But...there had been times when they were discriminated against by other people in their elementary school just because of the way that they look. But their parents always tell them that their uniqueness is beautiful. And they made great friends in school that accepted them.

- The twins still live with their parents. Why? Because they're both anxious about living by themselves. They want their parents' support when they go off to college and start their own careers. And they feel like coming home after a long day of classes and seeing them will make them feel better. Their parents are kind of protective over their kids. Whenever they go somewhere by themselves, their parents want to know what's going on because they fear their kids might get attacked by someone or something. Even though they are adults, their parents still worry because they love them. And they expect them to have children of their own, if they want children, once they are married and have settled down at the right time. Riku and Natsumi like to help their parents too. They can cook and clean. They do these things to take a weight off their shoulders. Nothing fishy; it's just a nice, happy family.

- Natsumi came out first, but Riku was too big for their mom to push out. So the doctors did a C-section to get him out, therefore Natsumi is older than Riku by an hour.

- Natsumi was born exactly at midnight. That's why she and her brother get awoken at that time just to celebrate their birthdays.

- Riku has always been a good brother to Natsumi. Her best friend, a playmate, and a shoulder to cry on.

- Their parents first met when they were in college. They didn't actually like each other much back then, but after finding more about each other, they fell in love. They became an item in 1996, and tied the knot four years later.

- Their dad used to collect weapons in his childhood, and Riku took on the interest. So he gets to try out some of his dad's things he liked.

- The Arakawa family gets to go to Japan every year. They have extra relatives there. Their dad was born as a triplet, but just one of his siblings and their families still live there. The other sibling lives in Negi Root. The Arakawas get to see her and her family often.

- The family has not moved houses since the twins were born. However, something about their house is special to them. It holds all the memories of them from the moment they were born. Their parents would often talk about what they did when they were little and point out the exact locations they did those things in. For these parents, they have sharp memories with their kids.

- Their car is a Toyota, and its license plate has "N&R" on it. Their parents have been relating everything back to their kids, even all the way back to when they were babies.

- The twins used to abuse each other as babies. Their mom recalls them doing things like wrestling, hitting, and jumping on each other. She always keeps talking about how Natsumi would steal Riku's milk bottle and drink it, they would scream Japanese insults at each other, they'd fight over objects, and Riku would smack Natsumi multiple times while she was asleep. That all happened when they were just babies and toddlers. But they eventually grew out of those habits.

- Mrs. Arakawa is very good friends with Ame and Hougetsu Nishiyomi's mom.

- There is a huge TV in the basement in their house. It was bought before the twins were born, yet it still works. But there's a special room for that particular TV.

- While there are pictures of the family on the walls on the main floor, there are extras in the basement. Those pictures include ones of Natsumi and Riku laughing together as small kids, a marriage picture of their parents, and the whole family in Japan.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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