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Zack's PoV

I pulled the covers closer to my body while Reagan was curled up against my side. Everything in the house was silent, but it didn't stop me from wondering who was awake and who wasn't. It was early Saturday morning, and God knows I didn't feel like doing anything today.

I stared at the movie playing, hell I didn't even know what we were watching. My focus was on the warmth radiating from Reagan.

"Let's move, far away from here." Looking down at Reagan he had a small smile on his face. I wasn't sure how to respond. There were butterflies in my stomach at his words.

"Of course, after we graduate though" With my statement he pursed his lips.

"We can always move before then, and maybe take classes online instead." Mumbling he sat up, pushing the covers to the side while hitting me in the face with the cover.

"Well, unlike you Reagan, I happen to enjoy going into the building." I moved the cover away from my body while watching him walk to the closet. He was shirtless, and my eyes wandered to the tattoos on his arm.

Reagan was gorgeous, which probably made him think that with those looks he could get anything he wanted.

That was somewhat true.

But I wasn't ready to move and leave everything behind, especially my mother.

"I won't force you to move, alright? Just know that it's something I want to do."

"I know" I got out of the bed, walking up behind him before wrapping my arms around his waist.
"We will move, I'm just not ready yet." pressing my lips against his neck I felt him tense up in my arms.

"Whatever you say captain" He slipped out of my grasp and put his hoodie out while sticking his tongue out at me.
"How dare you" Gasping I wiped my eyes as if I was crying.

"We have things to do today Zack. I would love to stay in bed with a meal like you..."

He trailed his finger down my chest before glancing up at me through his lashes. "But I'm a busy man, you can wait a little right?"
I felt the heat rise in my face, along with other areas. I hated being teased, but it's Reagan so I'll deal with it.

His face lit up, wrapping his arms around me he firmly pressed his lips against mine. "Good"


Remember how I said I didn't want to do anything today? Well I meant it. Being out was the last thing on my agenda today.
I sat next to Reagan while he filled out some paper work for who knows what. My mind wandered to other places. Like what are we going to make for dinner tonight? What about lunch?

"Alright Mr. Oden, all you need to do is sign a few more things and you'll be on your way." I glanced up at the woman sitting across from us. She had blonde hair and bright red lipstick on. She was wearing a white button up with a black skirt and heels.

"Alright.." He whispered before gently taking the papers out of her hands. "What are you signing for anyways?" I poked his shoulder. Reagan looked over at me with a frown.
"You really don't pay attention sometimes, you know?"

"Cause' I'm tired and I don't want to be out." I laid my head on the desk before closing my eyes. "Its a surprise you dummy." I heard his chair move against the wood floors.
"Shes all yours, Mr. Oden. Please follow me."

"Come on, Zack." he gently tapped my shoulder making me sit up. Reagan basically was radiating dominance and it made me feel small. "Fine"

We both left the room, following the lady. All you could hear down the empty hallway was her heels clicking against the floor.

"And here we are, it's always a pleasure doing business with you" she pushed through two large doors. The sun was bright, and there were no clouds in the sky, after rubbing my eyes I looked to where she was pointing to.

My eyes widened in surprise at what was sitting in the parking lot. It was a black Maserati Quattroporte S Q4. It was beautiful.

"Thank you, Evelyn it's always a pleasure buying from you." Evelyn nodded her head before handing Reagan the keys.

"Have a good day, the worker at the gate will let you out." After saying that she turned and walked back into the building.

I was still shocked at seeing the car. "Zack" glancing over towards Reagan he held the keys towards me.

"Its for you" My heart started beating rapidly. "W-what're you talking about. I couldn't accept this" I pushed the keys towards him while he shook his head.

"Its for you, so take it. Don't argue about this please." letting out a small sigh I took the keys from his hands before glancing back at the car.

"I love you Zackery."

I felt my face heat up at his statement.

"God, I love you too angel" wrapping my arms around him I pressed my lips against his. Just kissing him gave me butterflies still.

"Now let's go out for lunch. I know just a place" I whispered against his neck listening to him laugh quietly.

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