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Reagan's PoV

Rubbing my eyes I followed West and the others into the club, the lights making my eyes burn. Honestly, I wanted to be home, in my bed. I looked around with narrow eyes at the women dancing around, barely wearing any clothing. Some were dancing with men, while others were sitting at bars. I felt out of place.

"Loosen up Reagan" West draped his arm over my shoulder. Rolling my eyes I stop as a woman in a striped dress walks up to us. "Mr. Oden?" I nodded my head. Who was she? Why did she have to come bother me? "Follow me to your booth."

My eyes widened in surprise. What did West do? I sucked my teeth before following the young woman. She pushed through two doors, revealing the all-white couch with a tv mounted to the wall, along with a fridge in the corner.

"West" Grumbling I glance over my shoulder to see him grinning. He was bringing up something I hated. There was an ashtray on the table, along with a few blunts. I didn't want to smoke. The lady turned around with a smile on her face.

"Enjoy your evening, Mr. Oden. We have a few things planned for you" I walked over to the couch, sitting down, West followed, sitting next to me. "What are you doing?" Whispering I stared down at the ground while he wrapped his arm around me. "It's a surprise" I looked up at him to see his eyes shining.

"I want to sleep more" Whining I lean back on the couch, West simply laughed. "Have a drink, Reagan" He leaned over to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of wine. "Why should I?" Glaring towards him he shrugged his shoulders, pouring some into the two glasses before placing it on the table.

I watched him sip on his glass. "Maybe it's because something is coming up." I went to reach for my glass before stopping.

"Happy Birthday, Reagan!" The door opened to reveal Raven and Xavier holding a small cake in their hands. I felt the heat rush to my face. My birthday wasn't today though. My birthday was February seventh, it was currently the sixth...

"I-it's not today though" I looked down at my hands, flustered at the moment. "We know, but we thought you'd want the day to yourself" Raven smiled, placing the cake in front of me while there were a few candles lit on top.

"Happy early eighteenth birthday" I glanced over at West while he had a smile on his face. "Thank you" I whispered. "Make a wish" I looked down at the cake, what did I want to wish for? I sat quietly for a second before leaning forward to blow out the candles.

I squealed, watching the door open again to see three girls rush in, Their bodies only covered by lingerie. Wasn't it too cold for them? West stood up, walking over to the door, while Raven and Xavier followed. "Have fun" With wide eyes I watched them leave me alone with the women. They all sat on the couch, their hands roaming around my body.

"Happy birthday, sir" The woman with dark red hair whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I grabbed the cup off the table, drinking it in one go. I should loosen up, but could I? Who knew.

I turned my face towards the woman, cupping her face in my hand before pressing my lips against hers, she moaned quietly while I pushed her down onto the couch. I was fighting the urge to jump off her.

But I needed this. I could still feel their hands roaming around my body, attempting to sneak into my pants. It felt as if my entire body was burning. The woman wrapped her arms around my body, trying to pull herself closer to me.

Pushing my tongue into her mouth I felt myself slowly melt into her touch. I slowly moved my lips to her neck, quiet moans slipping past her lips. "R-Reagan" I jumped off her, glancing down at her with wide eyes.

"G-get out" I sat up, glaring at the floor. "Mr. Oden" I quickly looked back at her, smacking her hand away from me. "Just get out!" Yelling I watched them all hurry out of the room, shutting it behind them. I was left alone.

It felt wrong, I had no idea why. Letting out a shaky breath I grab a bottle of beer out of the fridge before popping it open. I sat quietly, sipping on it until there was no more. I felt my breathing quicken up, and before I knew it I was sobbing.

Why did I feel disgusting all of a sudden?

"Fuck!" I grabbed the bottle before smashing it onto the table, wincing as the shards cut my hand. I watched the blood drip onto the table. I needed to leave. This wasn't a good idea at all. I looked over to the cake with tears in my eyes.

This is who I am, I couldn't escape this life. There wasn't enough happiness in my life to save me. Pulling my legs up to my chest I pulled at my hair, wanting to feel more pain to block out the disgust.

It felt like I was crying for hours, my entire body was exhausted. I needed to go home and sleep. Just the thought of my bed made me want to pass out.

"Reagan?" I was laid back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling while my hand was on my stomach. "What?" My voice came out scratchy, making me cringe. I looked over towards the door to see West standing in the doorway with guilt written all over his face. It wasn't his fault.

"It's not your fault" I looked away from him, closing my eyes. "It is though" I listened to his footsteps walk over to me.

"I'm sorry, Reagan" Opening my eyes there were tears in his eyes, making me jump up. "Hey, you're not supposed to cry" I watched him kneel in front of me, grabbing my hands. Just what he was doing alone made me feel as if I was a god.

'Other dons fear you.' West also feared me, even though he didn't admit it I knew. He brought them close to his face while I sat still looking at him. "I'm fine West" I moved my hand away from him, it hurt slightly because of the cuts. "Just take me home." Whispering he looked up at me nodding his head.

"You didn't do anything wrong, you idiot" I pressed my forehead against his, making him laugh quietly.

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