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Reagan's PoV

"What're you doing?" I opened my eyes to see Zack dangerously close to my face. What was he planning on doing? It looked as if he had seen a ghost. "I-I" 

I listened to him stutter, wondering what he could have been doing. There was only one thing I could think about. A kiss? Possibly. "If you wanted to touch my hair you don't have to be so nervous" I blurted out, rolling my eyes I turned away from him. 

Zack only let out a forced laugh. I moved my hands to the blanket, pulling it closer to hide the blush creeping onto my face. He couldn't have been thinking about that, there was no way. "S-sorry, I didn't want to wake you up" Zack whispered softly, I felt the bed sink behind me. 

It was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat, I glanced behind me to see him looking down at the palms of his hands. "Why are you here anyways?" Zack looked over at me with a confused expression. Oh shit. I forgot to text him. 

"Actually your mother invited West over and I decided to tag along" Sitting up I stretched my arms above my head, attempting to hold in the moan that could slip past my lips. He nodded his head, looking anywhere in the room except at me and it was pissing me off slowly. "She needed something from him I guess.." Whispering I attempted to break the awkward silence.

 I looked down at the photo album next to me, it was opened to a photo of Zack as a baby with his hair in two pigtails along with  two blue bows. It was adorable, but it also made me question why?  "How come your mother dressed you up like this?" I grabbed the album, pointing to the photo of him. He froze before looking over at me with wide eyes. A blush immediately dusted his cheeks. 

"Give that to me!" Zack reached over towards me, attempting to take the photo album away from me. Backing away I laughed quietly. "You almost look like a girl, it's so cute!" I quickly got off the bed while he followed behind me towards the door. 

I let out a squeal as his hand slammed against the door while my hand was on the doorknob. "Reagan, give it" His voice came out deep making my body shiver, I glanced over my shoulder to see him looking down at me with a frown. Fuck. "You don't have to corner me, I wasn't planning on doing anything bad" Huffing I pushed the book against his chest, letting him rethink what he just did. Zack quickly backed away with the photo album in his hand. 

"Sorry" He mumbled, I watched him waddle back over to his dresser, placing it down. I couldn't help but focus on his leg. Yes, he was still recovering but it was my fault. Suddenly my mood was ruined and I was feeling the guilt. Sighing I open the door and walk into the hallway. "Where are you going?" Yelling from his room I felt as if i was a kid that got into trouble. "West is probably ready to leave." Unconsciously moving my hand towards the necklace I played with it. 

"I'll walk you down, but stop messing with that" 

Zack came out of the room, flicking my forehead earning a yelp from me. "Fuck you" Flipping him off I swiftly moved down the stairs. He reminded me of West with that, telling me what to do. But if I had to be honest I didn't mind it. 

"How mature of you" I heard Zack whisper behind me, rolling my eyes West and Zack's mother were sitting in the living room, I watched her hand West a pile of cash. My blood ran cold. What did he think he was doing? 

"West?" He jumped, shoving the money in his pocket. He was caught red-handed. "Can I speak to you for a moment?" I stormed over to him, grabbing his arm tightly. West visibly winced but I didn't care. He just took money from a friends mother. "Excuse us, we'll be back" Smiling at her she returned the warm smile, that made me extra guilty. West and I walked into the bathroom near the kitchen, Zack stayed with his mother. 

Letting out a shaky breath I shut the door, turning around with a glare on my face. I was beyond angry with him. But I would at least let him try to explain. "It's not what it looks like" He put his hands up like he was getting arrested. "What was it then? Why are you taking money from her?" Crossing my arms I found myself pacing in the bathroom. "What reason would you have? We don't need money! Especially from my friends!" West flinched, pulling the stack of money out of his pocket. It was a bunch of one hundred dollar bills, well over a thousand. "Why?"

"She felt bad because you paid Zack's medical bill in full."  Because I paid it in full? Why wouldn't I? It was my fault he's in this situation. I spaced out for a moment, wondering if it was a bad thing that I did that. "-As well as asking how we paid." Humming I leaned against the wall, how we paid it? "Did you tell her anything?" If she knew then I suppose everything could possibly stay the same. Would she stop Zack from seeing me or let me protect them from that damn rat? 

"Did you tell Zack?" 

West looked up at me with his face in his hand. I shook my head. I wasn't ready to tell him yet. That could ruin everything. "Exactly, we won't say anything until you think you're ready. But here, you give it to her." He placed the money on the sink. "Fine"

I grabbed the money off the sink and walked out of the bathroom. Zack was nowhere to be found but his mother was sitting on the couch with the pitbull and the boston terrier. "Mrs Peterson?" She looked over at me with that same smile, it would warm anyone's heart no matter how bitter they were. "Call me Teresa" Teresa, what a beautiful name.

 "O-okay.." Whispering I walked over to her and sat down next to her and the dogs. The pitbull had her head in Teresa's lap. "What's on your mind?" Running my hands down my legs I pulled out the stack of money. "T-this, I mean there's nothing wrong! It's just that I paid because I wanted to.." I put the money on the coffee table, she only let out a sigh. 

"That's the issue, you paid for it and you're only a highschool student, honey I should have paid, I'm his mother" She moved her hand towards my pack, rubbing it reassuringly. She was way too kind, and I wouldn't take her for granted. But this was my fault. She couldn't know that. 

"I really wanted to, so please don't feel the need to pay me back, Zack is someone very important to me" I blurted out, right before the embarrassment and shock hit. Covering my mouth I felt the blood rush to my face. It was suddenly hotter than hell in the house. "I'm sorry" Closing my eyes it was silent, before she let out a soft laugh. It was beautiful. "Fine, I won't but maybe you should say it to his face." 

Peeking through my fingers there was a huge smile on her face, what did she mean? My mind wandered to Zack earlier. "W-what?" I squeaked, slowly moving my hands down into my lap. 

"You like my son, right?" Teresa had no filter whatsoever, maybe that's why I liked her. But- like Zack? Even I wasn't so sure about that. Did I? Was that even a possibility? If I did that would put him in even more danger because of Andrew.. 

"L-like Zack? I'm not sure. As a friend I do" Rubbing the back of my neck I looked around the living room, glancing behind me I saw Zack standing in the kitchen with a bottle of water. His eyes were watching me like a hawk. Did he hear what she had asked? I was praying to God that he didn't 

"Really? I thought you guys were almost there" She nudged me with my elbow, snapping my eyes away from him. I stared down at the ground listening to her rant on about how she dreamed. "The way he talks about you, his eyes light up and it's the cutest thing" Teresa leaned back, petting the dog's head. It felt like Zack's eyes were burning holes in my back. I'm in deep shit right now. 

"Mom" Teresa turned her head, I could only stare downwards. "Oh Teddy, Reagan and I were just talking about you" She smiled, I listened for a response but didn't hear one. 

"I'm going out for a while" His voice sounded as if it was void of emotions. He heard. Tears pooled in my eyes at the thought of him ignoring me. I fucked up. "How come-" 

I glanced up to see Zack walking carefully towards the front door, it seemed agonizingly slow as he walked out into the dark night. 

Get up! Don't let him leave confused! This will mess everything up if you don't explain! 

I continued to yell at myself in my head, but my body wouldn't move. 

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