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Zack's PoV

"Please let me get up. I'm not sick anymore" Reagan whined from the bed, I was looking through the closet for something to wear. My mother heard that Reagan was sick and wanted me to stop at home since she got him something.

"Listen you still have a fever. I'm not letting you leave. Even West doesn't want you going out" I pulled out a black Nike sweatsuit. 

"I hate you" Grumbling like a child he rolled over. I knew he didn't mean it, but it still stung. 

"You don't mean that"

"I do" Rolling my eyes I walked over to him with the sweatsuit on my arm before leaning over him to press a kiss against his cheek.

"I'll see you later. Stay in bed for me, please" I stood up and went to the door. He didn't say anything, but I knew he wanted to.

Opening the door I felt a breeze brush past my face. It was cold in this entire house except for Reagan's room.

"Bye Zack" I heard Reagan yell from the room while I made my way down the stairs. I could only smile. He was so stubborn.

"Where are you going?" I looked over to the couch to see West sprawled out with two blankets covering him.

"To see my mom, she has a few things for Reagan." He hummed before jumping up at the sound of crashing in the kitchen.

"What the fuck happened?" Laughing as he threw the blankets off him my face heated up. How could they just walk around like that? West was only wearing a pair of underwear.

"Alex! Raven!" West's voice boomed throughout the house, but I couldn't take him seriously with how he was basically naked.
I followed West into the kitchen to see multiple pots and pans on the floor, along with Raven on the floor, and Alex peeking her head out of the large pantry. 

"How? Just how do you let that happen?" He yelled and I took that as my chance to leave.

After pushing the front door open I closed it behind me. The snow was melting but there was still ice everywhere. "Fuck.." I shivered, pulling the jacket closer to my body.


"Make sure he has this too" I was currently sitting on the couch in our living room watching my mother pull out a giant blanket in a plastic casing. 

"He doesn't need all of this" I was mentally crying at all of the things she brought out. She wasn't even like this when I was sick. 

There was a bag with small bottles of ginger ale and soups along with chocolate. She also gave me two sets of matching pajamas and three comforters. I knew they were expensive because of the brand. She acted as if we were rich. 

"It's a soft blanket, he'll love it." Patting my shoulder my mother started humming while going into the kitchen.

"If only you knew how picky he could be" I stood up, piling everything together then following her. "You may think I'm going overboard. But remember how sick he was before?" We had to hide the truth from her, so instead of saying

 'hey, Reagan was kidnapped and is part of the mafia' 

We told her that he had gone home and got extremely sick and was put in the hospital.

I don't know what she would do if she found out the truth... Just thinking about it made me nervous. 

"That still doesn't mean that he needs all of this" I grabbed a cookie off the tray before taking a bite. "I like Reagan, he brings a different energy to our house. If only your father were here to meet him" She laughed, sitting down at the table. My father is on a business trip, he's been gone for a few months, he left around the time I met Reagan. 

"When is he coming back anyways?" Even though I didn't really like him, he was still my father. He wasn't terrible, just a little pushy with certain things. 

"In a few weeks! I've missed him so much!" My mother beamed, she stood up with a jump. She loved him to death, they were high school sweethearts. Maybe Reagan and I would be the same. At least, that's what I hoped for. 

"Zackery, go hurry back to him and let him know that these are all from me" Placing her hands on her hips she gave me a big smile, I could only imagine the struggle to take all of the things in the house. 

"Anything for you" She wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss against my cheek. 

"Be safe"  

***There will be a few more chapters tonight since I was too busy the days I was actually supposed to update. I hope you enjoy them!****

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