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Zack's PoV

"I don't know where he is!" Tears were now streaming down her face, I felt like she wasn't lying, but Raven thought otherwise.

"Tell us where he is and we won't hurt you, don't make this harder than it is. I know you're lying."

We were pulled into an empty parking lot. The sun was setting and Raven wasn't planning on letting the girl home, hell neither was I. If she ran back to Andrew she would tell him.

"Why won't you tell us? I just want Reagan back" I looked down at my hands, fighting back the tears, Raven as a lot tougher than I was. "I don't know where Reagan is!" She yelled, hitting her hand against the door.

"I've had enough of this bullshit." Raven growled, she got out of the car, swinging the backseat door open. "Raven-"

"Just shut up! I got this. Now, be a good girl and listen" She yanked Alexandria's arm, dragging her outside of the car while she cried in protest. 
"Let go of me!" I could only watch with wide eyes as Raven climbed on top of the crying girl and pulled out her pocket knife.

"If I kill you here, no one will ever find you, not even your brother when I'm done with you" Raven grabbed the girl's arm, dragging her knife against her pale skin.

"L-let go! It hurts" Alexandria sobbed, I quickly got out of the car.

"Tell us where he is" Blood was covering their arms while Raven continued to cut her skin. "Raven stop! That's enough" I grabbed her hand, but she smacked it away.

"Fuck off, Zack! If you weren't such a baby Reagan would still be here"

Raven glared at me, her eyes were basically on fire and anger was rolling off her in waves. Who knew, maybe I was next. She looked back down at Alexandria. "If Reagan is dead, I'll kill your entire family"

I dropped myself down onto the ground, watching Raven torture the poor girl. This is fine right? If we're doing this for Reagan. I tried to convince myself that this was okay, but it wasn't "Raven stop." I stood up as Raven cut the girls thigh. After those cuts heal, Alexandria would be left with scars.

"She isn't speaking yet and I'm not done yet"

"I'm not stopping until she breaks"

Raven murmured to herself. I looked down at Alexandria to see her eyes watching me with tears.

"P-please" She sobbed, there was blood coating her uniform as well as her shorts, there was some smeared on her face.

"My brother loves Reagan too much to kill him" She finally confessed. Raven sat back, dropping the knife at her side.

"Where does Andrew have Reagan, tell us that at least." She grabbed Alexandria's shoulders.

She only shook her head as she closed her eyes. "I hope you didn't kill her" I started panicking, Raven let out a frustrated groan.

"She passed out, so shut the fuck up" Raven stood up before picking up Alexandria. She looked so small in her arms and I felt terrible. "I'm taking her back to the house, get in"

I walked back to the car and got into the passanger seat, Alexandria was in the backseat with blood covering her poor body.


I yawned, climbing out of Reagan's bed, I told my mother that Reagan had come back already, but that was a lie. I was secretly skipping school with excuses that West sent in.

Alexandria was in one of the guest rooms, once we got back Raven got a lecture on how she wasn't supposed to hurt Alex. West was furious with her and she had left in a fit of anger.

Walking out of the bedroom I went down into the kitchen to make breakfast for Alex, that was the least I could do since Raven put her through hell. It was a simple breakfast, pancakes and eggs with orange juice.

"What're you doing?" West walked into the kitchen in his underwear. I swear he had no sense of decency.

"Put some clothes on" Rolling my eyes I grabbed the plate of food and orange juice and walked past him. "I asked you a question" 

"This is for Alexandria, go put clothes on." I continued to walk up the stairs to the guest room.

"Well fuck you too, could've made food for the rest of us!" He yelled up the stairs which made me laugh. Honestly, I was getting used to this lifestyle.

Just not the hurting people part. I slowly pushed open the door to see her sitting up, she looked lost, then glanced at me. Panic washed over her face.

"Please don't hurt me!" Pulling the blankets closer to her body she whimpered. "I would never, I brought you food" Slowly walking up to her I sat in the chair in front of her bed.

"Raven shouldn't have done that at all, I'm sorry you had to go through that." I put the food on the nightstand, she only sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I don't want her near me, I just want to go home"

I felt sorry for her, she shouldn't be here, but I had no choice. "I just need to know where Reagan is, that's all" I held the fabric tightly in my hands.

"What's so important about him? He's just another guy my brother wants" She grumbled, I frowned. "Reagan is someone really important to me" Alex looked up at me surprised.

"A-are you two dating?" Her face flushed in color. "He's just someone who I would do anything for, so please, even the tiniest bit of information helps us.

I promise Raven won't be near you at all and I'll protect you from your brother"

Her eyes filled with tears. "Promise?" Whispering she looked at me with pleading eyes. I didn't know which part she wanted me to promise, but I would.

"I promise"  Letting out a shaky breath she looked over at the food.

"Here, I made it" Grabbing the plate of food I placed it on her lap. I watched her eat it hungerly, followed by drinking the orange juice. After she was finished eating she put the plate  on the nightstand.

"M-my brother has a warehouse, t-that's where Ian always is" Mumbling she messed with the blanket. "Is Ian someone who knows where Reagan is?"

She nodded her head and my eyes practically lit up. I would get Reagan back. "He's always seeing Reagan, because Reagan killed Elijah" My blood ran cold, Elijah?

"Who's Elijah?" "Ian's best friend" Alex looked over at me with tears pooled in her eyes.

"Why does Ian go see Reagan?" I asked through gritted teeth, I already knew the answer, and Ian was another person on the list.

"H-he beats Reagan up, pretty badly. My b-brother doesn't stop him either" She pulled the blanket up to cover her face, I knew that the rest of us had to move out quickly to get him back before it was too late.

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