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Zack's PoV

I waited for West to park the charger. "Ready?" I looked over at West then nodded my head. Tonight we would figure out of Andrew really took Reagan. Getting out of the car I looked up to see the huge building.

 "Let's go, Mr. Peterson" West held out his arm, while I hooked mine with his. My leg was out of the cast, but I was still uneasy. "We really might have to kill people?" I felt my hands become sweaty when we stepped into the building. "Possibly, so be ready for anything to go down. Remember this is for Reagan" 

"Got it." We walked through the hallway until we were stopped at two large wooden doors. There were two body guards who were in front. "Family card?" 

"The Oden household" I held the card out, watching the men take it. Their eyes widened before they moved to the side, allowing us to enter. That was easier than I thought. "Uncle Wes!" A small girl who wore a red sparkling dress ran up to West, her brown hair bounced as she did. "Katie, how have you been?" 

West smiled at her, happiness basically oozed off her. "Great!" She then looked up at me. "Where's Reagan and who is this?" She pointed at me. "This is Zack, Reagan's partner, Reagan is at home sleeping" She nodded her head. 

"Are you going to be my uncle?" She looked up at me with large doe eyes. I couldn't help but smile. "Only if your Reagan let's me" Katie jumped up and down, talking about how happy she was. "Katie, where are your parents?" 

"They're talking to one of the guests" She pointed over towards a table where a man with wavy black hair sat with a woman with long brown hair, and then I saw him. Andrew Kealin. "Thank you" She smiled again then wandered off into the crowd. 

"There's Andrew" West murmured while we walked over to them. "Samuel, Cassandra. How are you two?" West cut in, Andrew looked up at us, his eyes met mine and he frowned. "We've been good, who is this?" Cassandra glanced at me, looking me up and down. "This is-" 

"I'm Zack Peterson, Reagan's partner" I held my hand out, she grabbed it, shaking it slightly. "Really? I'm happy to hear that Reagan's met someone." She beemed, while Andrew looked like he was ready to kill me on the spot. "We keep things private" I sat down, West followed, talking to Samuel. Cassandra seemed interested in our relationship, Andrew listened closely. "Where is Reagan, by the way?" 

Andrew chirped in. "Reagan had somewhere else to be, but I'm sure he's kicking ass" I smiled, placing my hand against my face. "Who's talking about my son? I see everyones awfully interested in him." 

A deep voice rang out behind me. His father. The man walked around the table and took a seat next to Andrew. "That would be me sir" I smiled, sitting up in the chair. "What relationship do you even have with my son?" He glared at me, that only made me want to say more. "Reagan is my boyfriend" 

His eyes widened slightly and I noticed he glanced at Andrew. Did they have something going on? "He's never talked about you." God I wanted to punch them both. "He's never talked about you either, or Andrew for that matter"

 He sucked his teeth at my response. "You got some nerve boy, if you're in a relationship with my son you better talk to me with some respect." Quinton stood up, placing his hands on the table. "Quinton calm down" Cassandra placed her hand ontop of his. "I won't be disrespected by a child." Andrew stood up next to Quinton.

I stood up, placing my hands on the table, leaning forward. "Keeping Reagan safe is my top priority, I don't care who gets in my way, so sit down before this gets ugly" I glared at him. He looked at me, it seemed as if he was searching for something. "Mr. Peterson." West grabbed my arm, but I smacked it away. "If Quinton feels as if he needs to argue with me, then he can. But remember this." I grabbed Andrews collar tightly in my hands. "I will, get Reagan back, and if he's hurt I'll kill you, you obsessed fuck" I whispered before releasing his shirt.

"I'm going to get some food, take care" I walked away from the table. "West you stay with them" 


"Can I do your hair sometime?" Katie asked, looking up at me with a smile, the party was done and now we were staying in the hotel they had. I felt uneasy being here, especially since Andrew was just down the hallway, but If I needed to I would hurt him. Reagan is my top priority. "You can do it now if you want" West was in the kitchen while I sat on the bed with Katie, she was six years old. "Really?" 

"Yes-" She hopped off the bed and ran out into the hallway. "Where'd Katie go?" West walked into the bedroom in a set of black pajamas on. "She went to go get a few things I guess. I stood up and walked over to the dresser where a set of blue pajamas sat. "I'll sleep on the couch" West mumbled, and I immediately thought back to when Reagan and I shared a bed, hopefully he was doing alright. "Thinking about Reagan?" 

"Obviously, why wouldn't I be" I grabbed the pajamas and walked over to the bathroom. "He'll be fine, don't worry. He's tougher than he looks" West said back, I slipped off the suit, pulling on the pajamas. I needed to be careful with the suit since it was so expensive. I put it on the hanger then hung it on the door. 

After changing I walked into the bedroom to see Katie showing West all of her supplies. "He said he'll let me do his hair" West only smiled at her, She then glanced over at me with a huge smile on her face. "Zack! Have a seat" She held onto her brush and her hair bands. 

"Be careful please" I sat down and closed my eyes, immediatly feeling her tug at my hair. "You're in good hands, it'll be amazing!" Everything seemed fine, but my mind continued to wander to Reagan. 

After Katie was done messing around with my hair she had to go back with Cassandra and Samuel, West was asleep on the couch right now but something didn't feel right. I sat down on the bed, listening to the television playing before frowning when a door down the hall slammed shut. 

"Andrew calm down" I listened closely, hearing Quinton's voice. I slowly got up out of the bed and walked towards the door, leaning my ear against it.

 "No, that boy needs to go, or else he'll get in the way of me having Reagan" He whispered harshly. "W-we'll get rid of him, don't worry, just relax. I can't have my business destroyed because of him. How is Reagan?" 

My blood boiled at their conversation, I felt the urge to run out of the room and beat them. But, I couldn't. "He's fiesty, but he'll break sooner or later" 

I couldn't help but drop myself down onto the ground, tears pooled in my eyes, I would get him back and get rid of them. No matter what it took.  

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