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**Longer chapter today! I hope you all enjoy, please leave you're feedback. I love reading your comments!**

Reagan's PoV

I slowly sat up, opening my eyes to see Zack laying on his back with his hands behind his head. I winced in pain at the aching headache. God, I needed to stop drinking past my limit. Glancing over towards the nightstand the clock read six in the morning.

We had school at eight-thirty. "Zack" My hand was placed against his chest, tapping him softly. He groaned in response and attempted to roll over, but I wouldn't let that happen.

"Zack, we got school." Whining I tapped him slightly harder, Zack opened his eyes and looked at me with a glare.

"We have to get up" I rubbed my hand against his chest, jumping slightly when he grabbed my hand.

The heat rushed to my face at the sight of him pressing his lips against the back of my hand. "Good morning, gorgeous." He mumbled, looking up at me with half-open eyes. He was exhausted but still the same.

"Good morning" I smiled, gently moving my hand away from him I climbed off of the bed, feeling a breeze brush over my legs. Soon it would be spring, I just had to survive this terrible weather. "Do we have to go today? I want to sleep in"

I walked over to the dresser, ignoring his questions. I needed to catch up on the work and no one would stop me. "Answer me, Reagan" I froze, peeking behind me to see Zack rubbing his eyes, he was wearing a pair of shorts and a black shirt.

"I need to catch up, or I'll fail.." Turning back to the dresser I fumbled through it, looking for anything to wear before I felt my body warm up at the feeling of Zack's arms lazily wrapping around my waist. His chest was pressed against my back, there was no hidden intent at all.

Smiling I close my eyes, enjoying the comfortable silence between us. Quiet snores soon left his lips and I found myself laughing. "Zack, wake up"

I grabbed his hands and turned around in his arms, he opened his eyes and gave me a half-smile. "I want to sleep" He shook off my hands and cupped my face in his hands, I let out a shaky breath, waiting for his next move. Closing my eyes I waited patiently.

"Let. Me. Sleep" His voice came out husky, opening my eyes I closed them tightly when he pressed his lips against my forehead continuously.

"Please angel." Zack begged but I wondered where the nickname came from. "I'm not an angel"

I moved away from him and grabbed my sweatsuit from the dresser. He hummed in response.

"You were saying the same thing last night" He yawned and I felt my entire body become cold. Last night? What did he mean by that?

I quickly spun around and looked at him with wide eyes. Did we do anything? "W-what do y-you m-mean?" Cursing myself mentally for stuttering I waited for his response. Zack looked confused for a moment before realization flashed across his face. He put his hands up and walked over to me.

"We didn't do anything like that I swear! I would never" His hands were placed on my shoulders and I hadn't noticed I was shaking.

"We didn't?"

Nodding his head he let out a quiet laugh. "You were just so drunk, I carried you up here and called you angel and you didn't like it at all" I wonder if I said anything else. Whatever I said would affect certain things. What could I have possibly told him? The look on his face made it seem like I said nothing.

Zack glanced down at me with his forest colored eyes. I loved the shade of green they were. My body relaxed at his words. I don't know what I would've done if he said we did. Looking up at him I took in his appearance. His blond hair was sticking up in some places, but it looked adorable.

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