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Zack's PoV

"What am I supposed to do now?" Walking through the hallways I listened a few girls whisper among themselves.

"Zacky-Bear!" I jumped slightly. I already knew who it was and damn, I hated them.

Turning around carefully with the crutches I saw Bella running towards me with her arms stretched out for a hug.

"Careful Bella, remember he just got out a few days ago." Gabriel followed behind her.

Swiftly moving out of the way she looked up at me with a pout. This girl was obsessed with me and I wasn't enjoying it.

"Who hurt you Zack?" She gently grabbed my arm, sighing I shook my head. "I already told you, I got into a car accident."

Even I wasn't sure if that's all it was, I didn't even ask Reagan about the gun. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

What did he do for a living?
"It was probably that Reagan Oden's fault! His family is loaded." She jumped back when I shook her hand off me.

"I already told you it wasn't his fault" I glared down at her, I hated how they assumed. My body felt like it was on fire. "Yes it was! Stop lying to yourself already"

"Back off Bella" Leaning towards her she took a step back. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I-it is his fault. Just wait and see"

Gripping the edge of her shirt tightly in her hands she turned away from me, storming away from Gabriel and I.

"I swear man, sometimes she gets a little crazy" Gabriel said softly, looking over at me. "Relax, she didn't mean anything bad by it thought, she's just looking out for you."

I hated hearing how he made excuses for her. She just wanted to sleep with me, she didn't actually care.

"She needs to mind her business then" I walked away from him, hopefully my next class will help calm me down.


"Zack, have you started the essay yet?" I glanced up to see Mrs. Charles looking down at me.

She had her hair pulled back with a small pair of hoop earrings in. I enjoyed history, as long as I wasn't bothered too much.

"I got the introduction done, I'll hand it in the complete essay in a few days"

Mumbling I looked back down at my notebook, Reagans handwriting was organized and neat.

There were a few sentences that were rushed and some of the letters ended up being written in cursive.


What was I thinking?

Even if I didn't want to admit it I was slowly falling for Reagan Oden. Just the mention of him had me nervous.

"What're you thinking about?" I snapped out of my thoughts, looking up to see Brian looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

He had hand placed on the desk with the other was in his pocket.

"Why're you so interested in me? Got a crush on me?"
Leaning back in the seat I smiled at him. Reagan didn't like him, and there was something off about him.

"Maybe, you kinda' look hot lost in thought." Sticking his tongue out I felt like throwing up. I probably hated him just as much as Reagan at this point.

Was this really Andrew's younger brother?

"Why don't you just mind your business and take a seat?" I was starting to get agitated, I knew he was trying to get me upset and it was working.

"I'll just sit next to you then" Sucking my teeth I quickly put the large textbook in the empty seat next to me.

"Sorry, my answer is no" Brian looked down at me with a frown, catching Mrs. Charles attention. "Brian, sit down already"

He looked back at her before pouting. "Mrs. Charles he won't let me sit here" I swear—

She looked over with a frown on her face. I watched her stand up and make her way over to me.

While she did I felt myself wanting to leave. "Zack, don't be like this.." This said softly, moving to grab the books.

"I don't feel comfortable near that dumbass. What if I catch his stupidity" I blurted out before sitting back.

It slipped past my lips without me even thinking first.

"Zackery Peterson!" Mrs. Charles had a shocked expression on her face. "I'm sorry—" My blood ran cold at how she was looking at me. I knew she thought of me as one of her favorites. But now that image was shattered.

"You now have detention with me afterschool" my life couldn't get any worse. Might as well accept it now..

She shook her head, walking back to her desk. "Brian, sit over there, Zack I hope you're happy. You got what you wanted"

Brian huffed in response but obediently went over to the window. At least he wasn't going to be next to me.

Sighing to myself I continue to jot down notes for my essay.

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