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**There will be two PoV's in this chapter**

Reagan's PoV

Get up! Fucking hell! Everything will be ruined!

I stood up quickly, he was probably already gone but that wouldn't stop me from looking. "I-I'll be right back" I glanced over at Teresa, she nodded her quickly. Guilt flashed across her face, she knew he heard our conversation.

"It's fine, don't worry" I ran towards the door, while quickly grabbing my sneakers. Struggling for a moment I finally got them on and rushed outside to see his car already halfway down the street.

"Zack you fucker!" I yelled, running down the steps to then run down the sidewalk. I wouldn't catch up. I knew this already but it was hard to accept.

It was becoming harder and harder for me to breath while I chased him down the dark road. If anyone saw me they probably thought I was crazy, in a way I was. I wouldn't do this for anyone else. Maybe I did like him more than I thought.

"Zackery Petersan, damn you" Panting I stopped for a moment, the street light was flickering. I glanced up to see him stopped at a red light. Thank God! I started to run again with my phone in my hand, I dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. He was really ignoring me.

I jumped back as two men stepped out of a black van, they both wore suits and I immedietly knew who sent them. Andrew. "Reagan Oden?" The man spoke up, he had the side of his head shaved while the other side was pulled into a bun, his hair was jet black. I couldn't help but get annoyed. They were stopping me from gettin Zack.

"Sorry, I don't know who that is" Shrugging my shoulders I walk past them before one grabbed my shoulder. "You fit the description pretty perfectly" The other smiled down at me, he had blue eyes with a tiny of green and his hair was dyed orange.

"I told you, I'm not sure who you're talking about." Glaring at him I grabbed his arm with my hands before dropping my body weight to toss him over. He choked out a cough when he landed on his back. That's what he gets.

"If you knew how to do your job right then you wouldn't just grab a don all casual" I pulled out my pocket knife, stepping down onto the mans chest while the black haired man pulled out his gun. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I'm not afriad of getting shot, and I'm trained way more than you-"

Wincing I glanced down to see the orange haired guy push a needle into my forearm. It was already too late, whatever he injected was in my body. Doesn't mean I'll let him live before I pass out. I shoved the needle out of his hand, feeling it cut through my skin before I twisted his arm. There was a sickening crack, which only fueled my fire.

My vision was getting blurrier at the second. "I'll kill you before I pass out" I smiled down at him, seeing the tears pool in his eyes.

"Keep that knife away from Elijah" I heard a voice behind me, God he was annoying.

"Fuck off" I grabbed Elijah's hair, pulling his head up before dragging the knife straight across his throat. West would figure this out, I knew he would. Falling forward onto the now dead man I felt a shooting pain go through right arm.

"Told you I'm not scared of getting shot" I smiled as the man walked up to me, there was blood on my face and then the pain shooting through my arm. My eyes started to close, and my body felt all tingly. I knew that the drug was kicking in.

"We got him, Mr. Kealin"


Zack's PoV

I drove down the road, listening to the radio play softly. Reagan had called a few times but I couldn't bring myself to answer. Not after what I heard. I hated these feeling but I knew they wouldn't ever leave.

"What am I doing?" I stopped at a grocery store, putting my face in my hands. I had the littlest amount of hope. That maybe we could actually work. That hope was shattered right in front of me.

Tears pooled in my eyes, clouding my vision. There was no going back to normal after this. I had to pull myself through this. He didn't confess to me, and I didn't tell him how I felt. Was there a chance he was lying to my mother?

Turning the car off I stepped out of the car and went into the store. There were only a few customers with their groceries but other than that it was empty. I grabbed a cart, listening to the stores music while I made my way into the snack aisle. I mindlessly threw in a variety of chips as well as wheat thins.

"Maybe he'll like this.." I looked down at the chocolate covered pretzels. I think he liked chocolate but I wasn't sure. Placing them gently into the cart I went to the frozen section, and I ended up coming to the register with Icecream and frozen breakfast bowls.

I knew my mother would scold me but they were good, especially when I was lazy.

"Here's your change" The cashier smiled at me, her black hair was cut into a bob and she had bangs with cat earrings in. "Thanks" I grabbed the bags then went back to my car.

The ride back to the house was quick, but my thoughts were running wild. How would Reagan react when I got back? Would he tell me that there was no way for us?

Sighing I pulled into the driveway, then got out with the bags. I pushed the door open to see my mother and West sitting on the couch laughing. The only one I didn't see was Reagan.

"Zack, you're finally home. Where's Reagan?" Reagan isn't here? West placed his cup down, and I could see he was ready to leave. "Reagan isn't with me" I felt my hands start to sweat, where's Reagan?

"What?" West stood up, looking over at me with wide eyes. "He went to go get you" My mother stood up, placing a hand on West's shoulder. He went to go get me? "W-What?" I dropped the bags before rushing back outside, West followed me and he was visually panicing. I heard him mumbling to himself before he took out his phone.

I listened closely for a call and heard that familiar ringtone. Running down the steps I felt the panic rise in my body, there was no way in hell Reagan was gone. He was messing with me. I came to a stop at the sight of his phone with the black phone case. On the phone West's name was flashing.

There was blood splattered across it along with a pocket knife.

Reagan's blood? Was he killed?

"W-West!" Tears spilled over my cheeks dripping onto my shirt, West came running over to me with a panicked look. I glanced over to him to see him speechless. "D-don't worry, Reagan is fine" He stuttered, West never stuttered and that only made me worry more. I lost the boy I came to fall for.

The last time I saw him could be the last.

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